Monday, December 30, 2019

Fast Food are killing people - 1005 Words

Fast food chains are killing people â€Å"You want it, need it, you gotta have a taste of McDonald s burgers.† There are a lot of fast food offers that can catch our attention. They are great offers that can help us to save a lot of money, but what is behind cheap food? Fast food chains are killing people. They cheat their clients with sugar-free products, but they still have a lot of calories and fat. The offers that fast food provides customers are so good that they are becoming addicted. People are blind. They do not see the importance of having healthy habits, the health risk and diseases that come from eating so much fast food. Is junk food cheaper than healthy food? Being a fast food addict is now a fact. People get so amazed with†¦show more content†¦People can start preventing before they get any of these diseases. In conclusion, there is no excuse for not eating healthy food. If people wants to have healthy habits but they have low income, fast food is not th e best option. They can find a lot of cheap and healthy food to eat. Fast food restaurants have low prices, but first, think about your health, which is the most important thing in your life. Avoid eating food can produce you diseases or health risk. â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. â€Å" -World Health Organization, 1948. Work Cited Internet sources: University of Minnesota Academic Health Center. Fast food intake increases risk of diabetes and heart disease in Singapore. ScienceDaily, 2 Jul. 2012. Web. 27 Sep. 2013. Internet: Food Fitness. The Fast Food Challenge. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2013. Internet: Murphy, Kevin. Subway Just as Unhealthy as McDonald’s!. Yahoo! News. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. Internet: Bittman, Mark. Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News Multimedia.Show MoreRelatedProcessed Foods Vs. U.s. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Comparison of How Gillian Clarke in ‘Lament’ and Boey Kim...

Gillian Clarke and Boey Kim Cheng are both internationally recognized poets whom are most famous for their poems regarding environmental problems. Clarke’s ‘Lament’ focuses on the social and environmental problems occurring as a result of the Gulf War, whereas Cheng’s poem ‘Report to Wordsworth’ discusses environmental issues involving sea life. In ‘Lament’ Clarke uses a clear structure - every sentence begins with ‘for’ which combines with the title to form ‘Lament for [†¦]’ To lament can be an expression of sadness. In this day and age, people express grief and sadness all the time. Often by using the words ‘sorrow’ or ‘grieving’. As these words are used daily, we could say they are stripped from the depth of their meanings . By using†¦show more content†¦In this metaphor, silk represents the satiny, almost shiny look the oil has on the bird - the cormorant almost appears to be wearing silk. As the oil will most likely kill the bird, the last thing he will ‘wear’ is the oil that covers him. This also is a personification of the cormorant. The personification links in to the difference between humans and animals - when humans die funerals are held but when birds die mankind does little to nothing. By personifying the cormorant Clarke calls out to the readers to treat birds with more respect and care. A juxtaposition is also used in the extract ‘the cormorant in his funeral silk’. The word funeral and its connotations are very gloomy ideas, however silk is often thought of as a light, soft material which creates two opposites. The use of juxtapositions and oxymorons stirs the emotions of the reader as words that often have a positive meaning or connotation such as silk, are suddenly linked to negative expressions and ideas such as death. In ‘Report to Wordsworth’ Cheng also makes use of strong imagery. He mainly uses mythological Gods to stress the importance of what people are doing to nature. ‘All hopes of Proteus rising from the sea have sunk; he is entombed in the waste we dump’ is a good example of this use of language. Proteus is a Greek mythological sea-god who can change shape and who is, according to Cheng, entombed in our

Friday, December 13, 2019

Inequality and Its Effects in the Workplace Free Essays

string(71) " where the wife is the primary earner of the home jumped from about 4\." Inequality and its Effects in the Workplace Ashford University Contemporary Social Problems and the Workplace – SOC 402 July 19, 2010 ? Inequality and its Effects in the Workplace Gender, ethnicity, and race inequalities and the issues surrounding them in the workplace have been on the forefront of society’s mind for decades. The problem of inequality in the workplace has become one of the most important and vital issues in our society today. In order to understand fully the reasons for these inequalities, one must try to understand the factors that cause gender, ethnicity, and racial issues within the workplace, yet in this case, we will tend to focus mostly towards gender inequality in the workplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and Its Effects in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now One typically thinks locally in these situations, and Americans have fought hard for equality, yet over half of illiterate people throughout the world are females. Gender inequality is an issue that has been shaped by men from generations to generations. Each man carrying down his own ideologies mixed in with the previous generation’s to create this mold that women are expected to conform and fit into. In America, women have fought long and hard to have many of the same rights as men. Education, the right to vote, and career status are just a few examples of some of the many important things these women fought for. In other countries, women are not as fortunate to have such a voice to be heard, and thus their fight ends before it begins. On April 11, 1996, President Bill Clinton proclaimed â€Å"National Pay Inequality Awareness Day†. The goal of the government was to change and eliminate discrimination in the workplace in 1972 when the Equal Employment Opportunity Act was established. The heart of both of these acts was and is to protect the individual’s rights as well as promote employment opportunities for everyone within the workplace. Obviously the government is aware and trying to prevent and protect the rights of these individuals through the passing of these acts; so the question remains what are the reasons why women, ethnic groups, and minority races still being treated unfairly at work? The gendered income inequality can also be attributed in part to occupational segregation, where groups of people are distributed across occupations according to ascribed characteristics; in this case, gender. Occupational sex segregation can be understood to be made up of two directions. The first direction would be made up of occupational sex segregation and occurs as men and women are thought to possess different physical, emotional, and mental capacities. These different characteristics make the genders vary in the types of jobs they are suited for. This can be specifically viewed with the gendered division between manual and non-manual labor. The second direction is made up when occupational sex segregation occurs as occupations are stratified according to the power, authority, income, and prestige associated with the occupation and women are excluded from holding such jobs. An example of this type of gender inequality includes women that obtain a role in the workplace that is assumed for a man. Women have celebrated obtaining such roles, but once occupied, have had to fight to keep them. Caitlin Crawshaw interviewed Gail Powley for her article depicting workplace diversity and quickly learned Gail’s success in such a role. Ms. Powley revealed that her secret was â€Å"It’s all about attitude, so when they saw my attitude wasn’t to make them change at all, but to find ways to work with them, they actually welcomed me† (2010, para. 2). Historically, inequality has favored white males relative to similarly qualified females, ethnic, and minorities especially in the workplace. Wage discrimination is the discrepancy of wages between who groups due to a bias towards or against a specific trait with all or other characteristics of both groups being equivalent. In the case of gender inequality, wage discrimination exists between the male and female gender. Gender inequality wage discrimination can still be seen clearly today in specific organizations and careers, i. e. food industry. In the workplace, a female chef must work twice as hard as her male counterpart when competing for the same Executive Chef position. If you were to ask any woman in that position, she would comply. She knows her challenge before it begins, so she must know in her heart how badly she wants the prize and be extremely confident in herself to achieve this position. If you were to ask her male counterpart, he would deny the accusation. He does not see her challenge however, that does not mean that it does not exist. The challenge in this same workplace would at least doubles if the female chef were African American, or Native American. With or without the existence of this challenge, women have been gaining a steady foothold in the workplace. In fact, in America it has become a natural cultural trend for there to be dual incomes within the family and many families could not live the lifestyle that they do without the female’s contributing income to the family. This is the new norm in our local society. The new roadblock that we face now is when it comes to a single-income family in which the breadwinner is the female. So now the question becomes, why? Why is this idea so difficult for us to accept? Stay at home dads, aka; Mr. Mom’s, are becoming more and more a trend of today. Some of the factors that go into a decision like this are things like benefits, childcare, and which earner has the bigger income. Kathleen Gerson (2007) offers her view on this social attitude by stating that, â€Å"We are all quite comfortable with the dual-earner household. It’s become a cultural template, but for some reason we hit a roadblock when it comes to single-income households where the single earner is a woman† (para. ). According to Gerson’s research as well, the number of households where the wife is the primary earner of the home jumped from about 4. You read "Inequality and Its Effects in the Workplace" in category "Papers" 1% in 1970 to 7% in 2000 (2007, para. 8). This statistic is hard to accept in our economy today because it is almost a necessity for the presence of a dual income to survive and adequately prov ide for the family. One study has shown that a marriage that has both husband and a wife providing for the family is more satisfying than a marriage with only one sole income. Even though women struggle with keeping up with the men in the workplace, they also struggle with additional obstacles at home as well. What they experience here is a type of career discrimination because they, more than men will experience conflict between their work and home responsibilities. This conflict is intensified if the woman holds the primary responsibility for childcare because they naturally take on the role of the nurturer of the family. Other sacrifices that women will make in their career that men will not are things like maternity leave and extra sick days in order to take care of sick children. Because of these factors, some women feel the intense pressure to choose between that of having a career or having a family. A study that Lauer and Lauer reported states that out of 51 women, â€Å"faculty members reported that a higher proportion of younger faculty women chose to remain childless or to have fewer children than older faulty women, primarily because of the requirements of getting tenure and promotion† (2006, p. 200). The glass window effect is also considered a possible contributor to the gender income inequality. This ideology suggests that significant disadvantages exist towards the top of the career ladder which becomes worse as a person’s career goes on. The term glass window indicates that there are invisible barriers that exist that prevent women from advancements in their careers and promotions. These barriers exist in spite of the achievements or qualifications of the women trying to achieve these positions. Even further, these barriers continue to exist when other job-relevant characteristics are achieved like experience, education, and abilities. There are few women holding these higher-powered, high income positions due to this glass window effect. This effect also indicates the existence of limited chances of women for income raises, promotion, or advancement to more prestigious positions or jobs and increase over the course of a woman’s career. The gender income earnings ratio indicates the existence of an increase in women’s earnings comparative to men. Men’s wages reached a plateau in the late 1970’s which allowed for women’s incomes to gradually close in the ratio between the two. Despite the smaller ratio between men and women’s incomes, inequality continues to exist. Even more, this income gap varies widely within different races as well. Whites comparatively have the greatest income gap between the genders. Within the Caucasian race, women earn 78% of the wages that Caucasian men do. Comparatively, African American women earn 90% of the wages African American men do and Hispanic women earn 88% of the wages that Hispanic men do. There are some exceptions in which women earn more than men, although they are rare. Other inequalities that women face, especially those women in the workplace with ethnic backgrounds is that of prejudged, preconceived ideologies held by others in leadership/management. Women of ethnic backgrounds in the workplace are primarily found in factory and service work. Primarily today, Americans are very conscious of illegal aliens and border issues and therefore tend to prejudge and develop social attitudes towards these ethnic groups. This is referred to as racial profiling. This makes career advancement in the workplace for these women especially hard to achieve. Most ethnic women choose not to fight the uphill battle that this kind of discrimination presents and therefore they settle for the factory and service jobs previously mentioned. Arizona legislature recognized the rising potential for racial profiling and began to revise laws stating that â€Å"police may not consider race, color or national origin†¦except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution† (2010, para. 9). Racial profiling can be individually overcome, but honestly, some women do not see enough value in the rewards to pursue it. Lori Latrice Martin addresses this same issue in her article concentrating mostly on African Americans when she stated that â€Å" careful examinations of racial differences in the types of levels of asset ownership have painted a bleak picture of racial economic inequality in America† (2010, para. 2). Despite the awareness of gender inequality, there are still arguments about gender difference and assumptions that women and men are from different planets; women and men are still treated so differently in society. The workplace still remains an unequal playground that is polluted by persistent sex segregation, income inequality, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. Women and men work because they want to, and because they have to. Employers should not judge women as being any less dependable than men because that is simply not true. The truth is that family structure has changed drastically over the years. Today the family responsibilities are now being shared by both the mothers and the fathers. In order to compensate for these changes, some companies have introduced flex time, job sharing, parental leave, on-site child care, and telecommuting just to name a few. Employers should accommodate a woman’s needs and therefore expand the gender diversity of their company. They may just find that positive outcomes will emerge from such a move. There was a time where the balance of respect and roles never existed between a husband and wife, but today, they are redefining themselves, their relationships, and their family units to accommodate what works for them and not what society says should work. More importantly, women have successfully broken from the bondage of dependence on men. They no longer have to submit themselves to one main role in the family life solely as the mother. As for men, the need for dominancy has changed dramatically because for some men, they have been found to be the nurturing stay-at-home fathers for their family. As well, men and women have emerged to work together as a unit. ? References Crawshaw, C. (2010). Workplace diversity pays dividends; having a wide range of backgrounds helps with innovation. Leader Post, H, 1. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from ProQuest Direct database. Dunleavey, M. P. (2007). A breadwinner rethinks gender roles. New York Times, C, 6. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from ProQuest Direct database. Lauer, R. H. , Lauer, J. C. (2006). Social problems and the quality of life (10th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Sullum, J. (2010, Aug/Sept). Arrest everybody. Reason magazine, 8. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from ProQuest Direct database. Martin, L. L. (2010, Fall). Non-married women and black ethnicity: an analysis of the likelihood of homeownership. Western journal of black studies, 325-336. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from ProQuest Direct database. How to cite Inequality and Its Effects in the Workplace, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

My Father’s Garden  Essay Example For Students

My Father’s Garden   Essay My Father’s Garden is a poem by David Wagoner which essentially centralizes the thematic element of beauty by portraying it in two fairly contrasting manners. The speaker is presumably a young man who expresses his skepticism and negativity towards his father’s perception of beauty. This essay will aim to examine the extended metaphor of the garden, whilst treating the poem to a thorough analysis of the literary devices utilized by the poet, to exemplify their vitality in delivering the central concepts of the poem. The title of the poem itself implicates the notion of beauty and pleasure, especially through the use of the word, â€Å"garden.† The visual imagery formulated through the use of the term may be associated with a sanctuary devoid of any negative emotions. It is a place where an individual becomes one with nature and consequently develops an appreciation for such simplistic forms of beauty. However, the commonplace perception of beauty is challenged in this poem through the portrayal of the speaker’s father’s interpretation. He is evidently enamoured by his â€Å"scrapyard,† despite the fact that the speaker harshly characterises it as being a somewhat â€Å"satanic† place. We will write a custom essay on My Father’s Garden   specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The speaker’s distaste and fear towards his father’s workplace is palpable through his hellish descriptions of the â€Å"scrapyard.† Wagoner utilizes very cacophonic terms, such as â€Å"satanic cauldrons,† â€Å"demons†, and â€Å"dragons.† These harsh sounds denote a dense of wickedness and tortuous affliction. There is an evident discrepancy between the speaker’s views on the â€Å"scrapyard† and that of his father. This may be inferred from his statement that the â€Å"scrapyard† is his father’s â€Å"kind of garden.† This phrase is rather ironic when juxtaposed with the commonplace definition of a garden, which does not ordinarily comprise of â€Å"sewing machines† and â€Å"cogwheels.† In the second stanza, Wagoner utilizes sibilance to further accentuate the sinister nature of the â€Å"scrapyard.† The speaker describes it as having â€Å"rusty rockeries† and â€Å"sewing machines.† Additionally, these words may express the speaker’s scathing disapproval of his father’s passion. This may also be deduced from his rather abrupt yet impactful statement in which he states that his father â€Å"was called a melter.† The use of caesura conveys a certain degree of underlying detachedness which suggests that the speaker is not supportive of his father’s career choice. Wagoner also continually expresses the varying interpretations of beauty, particularly through his descriptions of the flowers. Flowers are frequently seen as the quintessential symbols of beauty. However, the speaker’s father has a rather peculiar definition of beauty, which may be inferred from his frequent offerings of â€Å"small gears and cogwheels.† Wagoner further exemplifies this contrast between two mindsets by using oxymoronic terms, such as â€Å"teeth like petals.† This simile signifies a very blatant disparity between the speaker and his father. While the father evidently recognizes these â€Å"cogwheels† and â€Å"small gears† as the epitomes of beauty, his son fails to see the allure of such objects. The speaker’s negative emotions may also be observed in the third stanza. Wagoner utilizes a metaphor of a â€Å"tiger† to underscore the predatory nature of the â€Å"mills.† He also repeats the word â€Å"ever† to emphasize the monotonous nature of his father’s career when describing the outcomes of his labour. Furthermore, he puts significant emphasis on the phrase â€Å"or worse† by placing it in a separate line and in doing so, he directly focuses the reader’s attention on the deleterious aspects of his father’s job. In the final stanza, Wagoner reintroduces the concept of beauty through the speaker’s bitter assertion that his father viewed his treasured â€Å"lumps of tin† and â€Å"sewer grills† as â€Å"ripe prize vegetables.† The â€Å"ripe prize vegetables† are evidently objects which foster pride within the speaker’s father. .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .postImageUrl , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:hover , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:visited , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:active { border:0!important; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:active , .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9528b36edbfb61aace9f4318dbbf7e1c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Literature: Epic Poetry and Ancient China EssayContrariwise, the speaker fails to see the beauty in these items and merely views them as â€Å"cold scraps.† The speaker’s bitterness towards these objects is evident through Wagner’s use of sibilance in the words â€Å"scraps† and â€Å"sewer grills.† These two viewpoints produce a conspicuous contrast within the poem and are instrumental in emphasizing the idea that one man’s definition of beauty may be another man’s definition of unsightliness. This concept is predominantly emphasized through Wagener’s use of the extended metaphor of a garden. By portraying the speake r’s father’s garden as a â€Å"scrapyard†, Wagener has essentially suggested the beauty is entirely universal. The poem is comprised of four sixaines which do not follow a definite rhyme scheme. The absence of rhyme may reflect the lack of harmony between the speaker’s interpretation of beauty and that of his father. The tone of the poem as a whole denotes a sense of bitter apathy and indifference. This may be inferred from the speaker’s use of contrasting ideas which create an acrimonious mood in the poem. Furthermore, Wagoner uses very evocative forms of diction, such as â€Å"satanic† and â€Å"demons† to precisely express the speaker’s fear and skepticism towards his father’s workplace. The fundamental thematic element of beauty is at the crux of this poem. This concept is continually exemplified through the poet’s portrayal of two conflicting vantages. Perhaps, in writing this poem, Wagoner hoped to convey the notion that beauty is truly objective and is entirely unique to every individual.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Turn of the century Vermont literature Essay Example For Students

Turn of the century Vermont literature Essay The later half of the nineteenth century and early half of the twentieth century marked a period of great change in the United States. The demography was drastically affected by the influx of immigrants who left their homelands in search of a new life. People off all nationalities, languages, and colors came together as a newfound community to live work amongst one another, regardless of differences. Men sacrificed their homeland at the expense of providing for their families, their ultimate mission. With this new life brought hopes of freedom, opportunity, and work. In modern society, money and material wealth are always at the center of life. The American dream is no longer characterized by a Leave it to Beaver lifestyle, but rather much larger in scale. The world we live in today is a capitalistic society that targets itself at making enormous profits off the funds of consumers. Americans want to be rich so that they can gain more for themselves to fulfill their greed, which never can be fully satisfied. The majority of people in todays society can be characterized as the Takers of the world. This situation that has grown to be the common way of life has blossomed over time into the mess that we observe today. Greed did not always rule society the way it does today. Literature and memoirs from a by-gone era prove this to be especially true. In reviewing such works, much emphasis is placed upon community and family. The man was conventionally the head of the household and would labor intensely to earn the needed resources to supply for his family. None the less, families tended to be larger in those days with the mother at the forefront of household and child duties. Given this, these early people can be easily characterized as Givers. Marie Tomasis Like Lesser Gods illustrates this way of life through the men that came to Granitetown Vermont from lands far away in search of work at the granite quarries. The infinite amount of work was immeasurable which gave security to the people who came to work in this new land of Vermont. In turn, this brought self-fulfillment to the people who worked there. Mr. Tiff recalled a letter he had received from Pietro while in Italy that characterizes his feelings:It is beautiful, this Vermont granite we work, and its lifetime is that of the pyramidsYou ask me if here I am content? I am happy at my work, and happy with my family. Therefore, according to your own teaching that two united affirmatives can but result in a more positive affirmative-I am happy man, Maestro! (Tomasi 13)The words of Pietro to Mr. Tiff clearly illustrate his happiness for his job and his family in America. However, tucked away in the woodwork of this great new world also lay risks that were not doubt unfixable. Pietros happiness was plagued by the notions of Maria that consistently worried about his health as a result of working with granite that came to be known as dusty lungs. We can dress always in our Sunday best, and you ca n sell bread to the living instead of cutting stones for the dead (Tomasi 14). With his family in immediate concern, Pietro felt strongly that he would be foolish to seek a lower salary when there were five mouths to feed (Tomasi 14). Again, this indicates Pietros role as a Giver. We will write a custom essay on Turn of the century Vermont literature specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The jobs that the Granitetown men held were valuable, rewarding, and risky all at the same time. Young boys saw their fathers marvel at the wonders of their world, yet were deterred from playing in the quarries or dreaming of following in their footsteps. Knives and chisels disappeared from their playroom. They were replaced with other gifts (Tomasi 48). A granite worker at this time was truly living in a two-fold world making the most of the now. Stonecutters were all the same. Men against granite. They hated to admit defeat (Tomasi 165). Pietros quality of work long surpassed the work of the man that simply sells goods in a store for another to consume. His dynamic work not only made him happy, but it also offered many lasting rewards that maintained his balance. For me there can never be anything like cutting a beautiful stone and knowing it will last, as I have fashioned it, long after all of us have gone (Tomasi 20). This reward painted a mental image of Pietro not only as a gra nite worker digging an early death, but that of a skilled artist, a martyr. Dorothy Canfield Fisher made a similar claim in her story The Bedquilt. Mehetabel, a woman of sixty-eight, also became an artist in her home and her community through her work in creating a patchwork bedquilt. The bedquilt was made from old clothes that belonged to various members of her family. Mehetabel did not only execute the very design but she also conceived it. Formerly, no true emphasis was placed on her role in the household, except for quiet old maid taken in by the family out of respect. However, when the family caught sight of her contribution, they all became intrigued by what she had to share. .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .postImageUrl , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:hover , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:visited , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:active { border:0!important; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:active , .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96 .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9494343e0cf4b46724cfd8b9eee79b96:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mary Queen of scots- biography EssayMehetabels work indeed took her on a rewarding journey from a nobody to a somebody who gained self-esteem. The old woman sat straighter in her chair, held up her head. She was part of the world at last. She joined in conversation and her remarks were listened to (Fisher 38). The quilt that she worked so hard on was an inspiration to her and gave meaning to her life as well. She treasured every God given minute she had to work on her fine creation. Every time she opened the door, no matter what weather hung outside the one small window, she always saw the small room flooded with sunshine (Fisher 36). The quilt became the center of life for Mehetabel as well as for the local people. This praise was no doubtedly more attention than she had ever received. The simple fact that the finished quilt was going to be displayed at the local county fair was more than this old woman could fathom. But her lips were set in a blissful smile (Fisher 40). With this, she hurried to complete every last snitch until it was at last completed: She had truly created a future heirloom in which to treasure. At completion, the quilt was immediately taken out of the possession of Mehetabel. They took it away so quick! I hardly had one good look at it myself (Fisher 39). In was done in such the similar fashion that a newborn child is taken from his mother after birth. After carrying it for 9 months, it is suddenly taken from the person who lovingly cared for it. The quilt was her baby, just as granite was Pietros baby. This caused a temporary void in the life of Mehetabel who began to feel the fulfillment of her creation. Mehetabel longed to see her quilt at the fair and to journey outside of the home that she had been so stationary at for so many years. Upon arrival, she was greeted by many who bombarded her with questions regarding her artistic talents. It was just perfect! Finer even than I thought (Fisher 40). She fixed her eyes on the quilt and gazed at her newborn baby for the first time. Mehetabel worked very hard and was finally enjoying the rewards of fulfillment and gratifying self worth. The Washed Window, a story that Dorothy Canfield Fisher heard several times while growing up in Vermont also deals with the nature and meaning of hard work to create rewards. It is the story of a young Negro Booker T. Washington coming of age after the Civil War had concluded. At that time, he was working at a mine owned by General Ruffner. Education was very limited seen as though public schools were not open to colored people. The only option was to learn their letters in a very crowded, unequipped room full of Negroes. After learning his letters, Washington caught word that Mrs. Ruffner took an interest in the education of the Negroes that worked for her. The pay was five dollars, but he decided to pursue the opportunity regardless. What could be worse than the way I was living and the hopelessness of anything better in the future? (Fisher 206). In this scenario, the character has no one else to please except for himself. Therefore, this reaction symbolizes his earnest desire to better himself. Mrs. Ruffner assigned him the task of cleaning out the shed. Washington had never experienced a clean environment, and therefore did not understand what clean meant to her. After several attempts, she made it clear to him what clean meant. Through this came a sparkling revelation in how to actually make decisions for himself in judging the cleanliness of the shed. What made me sweat was the work I had to do with my mind. Always before, when somebody had given me a piece of work to do, he had stood right ther e to do all the thinking (Fisher 208). Without knowing it, this work that she bestowed upon him may have been the best lesson of all in learningTo complete the cleaning task, he finished by washing the glass window, something he had never experienced living in a hut of squalor. To me it looked like a parlor. I was proud of it. Till then, I had never been proud of anything I had done (Fisher 210). The final touches on the window exclaimed the new light that had been projected through this poignant learning experience. Lessons of as great value to me as any education I ever had in all my life (Fisher 210). Mehetabel and Pietra similarly felt this fulfillment that marked Washington alike. Each person was incredibly different in nature and background, yet exemplified the nature of meaning and work as it applied to their lives. In turn, it made them stronger people who gave of themselves to form their individual identities. These Vermonters shine on with a unique simplicity and provide i nspiration alike for readers exploring life projected from a day gone by. The are all stories of wonderful people and very beautiful artists as well.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan

Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov rules the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan with an iron fist. He has ordered soldiers to fire into unarmed crowds of protestors, routinely uses torture on political prisoners, and fixes elections to remain in power. Who is the man behind the atrocities? Early Life Islam Abduganievich Karimov was born on January 30, 1938 in Samarkand. His mother may have been an ethnic Tajik, while his father was Uzbek. Its not known what happened to Karimovs parents, but the boy was raised in a Soviet orphanage. Almost no details of Karimovs childhood have been revealed to the public. Education Islam Karimov went to public schools, then attended the Central Asian Polytechnic College, where he received an engineering degree. He also graduated from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy with an economics degree. He may have met his wife, economist Tatyana Akbarova Karimova, at the Tashkent Institute. They now have two daughters and three grandchildren. Work Following his university graduation in 1960, Karimov went to work at Tashselmash, an agricultural machinery manufacturer. The following year, he moved to the Chkalov Tashkent aviation production complex, where he worked for five years as a lead engineer. Entry into National Politics In 1966, Karimov moved into the government, starting as a chief specialist at the Uzbek SSR State Planning Office. Soon he was promoted to First Deputy Chairman of the planning office. Karimov was appointed Minister of Finance for the Uzbek SSR in 1983Â  and added the titles of Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the State Planning Office three years later. From this position, he was able to move into the Uzbek Communist Partys upper echelon. Rise to Power Islam Karimov became the First Secretary of the Kashkadarya Province Communist Party Committee in 1986Â  and served for three years at that post. He was then promoted to First Secretary of the Central Committee for all of Uzbekistan. On March 24, 1990, Karimov became President of the Uzbek SSR. Fall of the Soviet Union The Soviet Union crumbled the following year, and Karimov reluctantly declared Uzbekistans independence on August 31, 1991. Four months later, on December 29, 1991, he was elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Karimov received 86% of the vote in what outside observers called an unfair election. This would be his only campaign against real opponents; those who ran against him soon fled into exile or disappeared without a trace. Karimovs Control of Independent Uzbekistan In 1995, Karimov held a referendum which approved extending his presidential term through the year 2000. Surprising nobody, he received 91.9% of the vote in the January 9, 2000 presidential race. His opponent, Abdulhasiz Jalalov, openly admitted that he was a sham candidate, only running to provide a facade of fairness. Jalalov also stated that he himself had voted for Karimov. Despite the two-term limit in Uzbekistans Constitution, Karimov won a third presidential term in 2007 with 88.1% of the vote. All three of his opponents began each campaign speech by heaping praise on Karimov. Human Rights Violations Despite huge deposits of natural gas, gold, and uranium, Uzbekistans economy is lagging. A quarter of the citizens live in poverty, and the per capita income is about $1950 per year. Even worse than the economic stress, though, is the governments repression of citizens. Free speech and religious practice are non-existent in Uzbekistan, and torture is systematic and rampant. Political prisoners bodies are returned to their families in sealed coffins; some are said to have been boiled to death in prison. The Andijan Massacre On May 12, 2005, thousands of people gathered for a peaceful and orderly protest in the city of Andijan. They were supporting 23 local businessmen, who were on trial for trumped-up charges of Islamic extremism. Many also had taken to the streets to express their frustration over social and economic conditions in the country. Dozens were rounded up, and taken to the same jail that housed the accused businessmen. Early the next morning, gunmen stormed the jail and released the 23 accused extremists and their supporters. Government troops and tanks secured the airport as the crowd swelled to some 10,000 people. At 6 pm on the 13th, troops in armored vehicles opened fire on the unarmed crowd, which included women and children. Late into the night, the soldiers moved through the city, shooting the injured who lay on the sidewalks. Karimovs government stated that 187 people were killed in the massacre. However, a doctor in the town said that she had seen at least 500 bodies in the morgue, and they were all adult men. The bodies of women and children simply disappeared, dumped into unmarked graves by the troops to cover up their crimes. Opposition members say that about 745 people were either confirmed killed or were missing after the massacre. Protest leaders also were arrested during the weeks following the incident, and many have not been seen again. In reaction to a 1999 bus hijacking, Islam Karimov had stated: Im prepared to rip off the heads of 200 people, to sacrifice their lives, in order to save peace and calm in the republic... If my child chose such a path, I myself would rip off his head. Six years later, in Andijan, Karimov made good his threat, and more.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Mobile Communication Industry and EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Mobile Communication Industry and EU - Essay Example Under its new name, Vodafone Group Plc., the company begun to claim its place as one of the world's largest mobile telecommunications company with ownership interests in 26 countries across five continents and partnership networks in 33 other countries. Vodafone does not manufacture cellular phones and network equipment so it has become the largest purchaser of these products. In 2004-05, the company bought $23-billion worth of these products from third parties, including $12 billion on handsets, network equipment and IT services from all over the world The company today boasts of the Vodafone Speaking Phone which was devised to address a major EU concern about giving communication access to disabled persons. The Speaking Phone converts its screen content into speech to allow the blind to "read" text messages. This is just one of Vodafone's products and services that "democratize" access to communication technology. Right now, Vodafone is developing another project called M-PESA, which seeks to enhance the access of mobile telephony to banking. This would allow customers to borrow, transfer and pay cash through the use of SMS text messaging. Another project in the pipeline intends to include voice and data communication in its services.As for Telefonica, the company has operated in Spain for 80 years but only under the auspices of EU did it break out of its mold to expand to all Spanish and Portuguese-speaking markets which spread to17 countries in the European, African and Latin American continents. From just fixed telephony, it begun to offer broadband, mobile-cellular telephony and Internet services. By 2005, Telefonica was the world's sixth largest company in terms of market capitalization and seventh in the EuroStoxx50 ranking. It now serves 153.5 million customers worldwide, involving 16 million fixed lines, nearly 5 million data-Internet access and over 20 million mobile telephones. With over 1,5 million direct shareholders, Telefonica trades on the major national and international stock exchanges. The aggressiveness and enterprise shown by Telefonica and Vodafone are exactly the kind of business cultures the EU seeks to foster through the EU Enterprise Policy. Under this policy, EU promotes innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness in manufacturing and services and ensures that all business within the region compete and trade on fair and equal terms. The overall goal is to make Europe an attractive place to invest and work in. EU is all about integration and in this regard, the enterprise policy works to coordinate policies on trade, research, the internal market, employment and training, the information society, regional development and taxation, without overlooking the importance of environmental protection. Under the enterprise policy, EU also preoccupies itself with removing obstacles to competition across the board, preventing new ones from going up and limiting, improving and simplifying the process of regulation. Most of the barriers to intra-EU trade have in fact been dismantled with the imposition of product standards on public health, the consumer and the environment. The EU Enterprise P

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The cause and effect of driving without a valid registration Essay

The cause and effect of driving without a valid registration - Essay Example I once had the unfortunate experience of being pulled over by a policeman when driving a motor vehicle whose papers had expired. The reason I committed this infraction was a very innocent mistake. My friends and I had been waiting on my brother to drive us to classes that morning. He however could not do it and so I had to drive my friends to school. I was not sure whether the motor vehicle was registered or there was just no proof that it was registered because I did not really ask. It was later during the day, after the encounter with the police officer that I realized my brother had not renewed his papers for over three months. Moreover, the vehicle did not fall in the category of vehicles that need not be registered for a person to be able to use the on the roads. Generally the effect of this situation depends on the length of time the registration is not valid or has expired. The penalties increase with the increase in time. The offense is normally considered to be a moving viol ation if the motor vehicle has not been registered for a period a period that is longer than six months in most jurisdictions. Most insurance companies see this as a risk and in most cases would also increase their rates on that particular motor vehicle.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 81

Essay Example On the onset of the operating of the business demographically our target market is mostly women 25-40 years of age working full-time and earning above average income. We are planning to operate the company in the U.S and following are the strategies that we intend to apply. Our business is called â€Å"Holistically shredded†. We deliver total body and mind transformations via tailored personal training sessions, professional nutritional meal plans, naturopathy consultations and motivational support. Our business will be operating from Hard Candy gym at Sydney CBD. Legal form of ownership is sole trader as it is easy to establish. Our products and services include various personal training sessions, professional nutritional meal plans, and naturopathy consultations and also provide motivational support. Various recreational exercises including squat, leg extension, and others are major part of our products and services. We also frame various nutritional and diet plans for various people; these plans vary accordingly with the interest of individuals (Czinkota, 2012). Furthermore, we also facilitate our customers by motivating and encouraging them to follow their diet plans. We are having separate plans for such individuals to encourage them to follow their fitness and nutritional plans. The target market the health organization would aim at would be a various number of groups of people. One of these aggregations of individuals might be individuals looking to get thinner through legitimate practices and having great to guide them through their weight reduction travel. The other target business sector might be individuals looking to prepare and increase muscle estimate and in addition bulky quality. The other assembly of individuals might be lady, men and adolescents that are searching for great cardio sessions with a qualified mentor. The recreational center will expect to give these assemblies of individuals with the offices and great

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Dual Career Family And Malaysia Sociology Essay

The Dual Career Family And Malaysia Sociology Essay Family is considering as one of the important units in the social systems which formed a society. As a sub-system of society, the roles and functions of family are similar with other systems in society such as religion, economic, political, and social and education. All these systems are applied to each societies or countries in order to have a well-being life among people. In Malaysia, the established of Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development on 27 March 2004 has shown that Malaysian government has put an attention to the family matters seriously. Malaysia government believes, this country is built based on the harmonious of family institution and the strength of multi-racial society. Thus, if both of these could be achieved, Malaysian society will live in a well-being. Under this ministry, there is one agency called National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) which have been accountable to discuss all the related matters of family in Malaysia ( National Family Plan which proposed under Ninth Malaysia Plan Policy (1991-2010) have been submitted to Cabinet for approval as an action plan to strengthen family institution and to make sure this institution remain strong and prosperous family. One of the aim of National Family Plan is to make a clearly statement to Malaysian society about the importance of formation the family institution. From my opinion, this aim has to be imply because of the idea of the traditional family has been changed when Malaysia enters the twenty-first century and itself has become a modern country nowadays. The modernization process has affected the family structure, functions, roles, relationships and others among the family members. The trend perspective of Malaysian society now on family has changed due to the lifestyles which focuses on aspects of higher education, pursue a career, freedom, divorce, and delaying married or decided not to marry especially for women. Therefore, many issues can be arises when women gained tremendous achievement in their life especially in education and labour force. The issues might give an impact on future whether in positive or negative aspects. For instance, higher educational attainment has increased womens income generating capacity and was linked to reductions in maternal and child mortality. Moreover, educated girls were more likely to delay marriage and childbearing instead in order to improve their financial or education towards higher level. For women who married, their participation in the labour force made themselves burden with work, childcare and household duties. Thus, this trend of lifestyles has caused the emergence of dual-career family in Malaysia. Now, the dual-career family who both spouses are maintaining separate careers and contributing to the financial success of the household has become common place. Thus, dual career families are a reality for society today. Due to that, my interest is doing a research regarding to women issues in Malaysia focusing on family institution in Malays society particularly on dual-career family. I believe that there will have an issue on dual-career family especially towards social function of family in human capital in Malaysia as a developing country when both spouses have education and participate in labour force. In line with vision and mission of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, I assume they do not just want to attain gender equality but also to develop harmonious and to strengthen family institution towards mainstream national development and at the same time increased communal and social harmony. In view of this, I realize that if I do a research in family institution, perhaps it will be a valuable topic in contributing towards understanding about women and family as well. The Malays in Malaysia Malaysian population has been divided into Malaysia citizen and Non-Malaysian citizens. They were estimated at 28,457.6 million and contributed to density of Malaysian population in 2009. Of that, 2,069.2 million are Non-Malaysian citizens and 26, 38.4 million are known as Malaysian citizens. Bumiputera  [1]  are made up at 17,640.8 people who encompass Malays as predominantly with 14,494.9 million and other bumiputera are 3,145.9 million. Other groups include the Chinese 6, 45.5 million, Indians 1,946.8 million and others 342.3 million. Furthermore, the population estimates by sex also dominated by Bumiputera at 8,902.1 million in 2009. Malays were the highest population in both sexes with 7, 316.0 million for male and female at 7,178.9 million, followed by Chinese at 3,292.5 million for male and 3,165.9 million for female. In contrast, the number of female was higher than male for Indians and others. Meanwhile, the figure for Non-Malaysian citizens was also male outnumbered wit h 1,145.8 million and for female at 923.4 million (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2009). By legal definition, Article 160 Clause 2 provides that Malays means a person professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and was before Independent Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or is on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or is the issue of such a person. (Constitution of Malaysia (n.d.).pp: 131) Based on this article, definition of Malays referred to three fundamental characteristics namely Malay language usage, Islamic religion and customary practice which also known as adat  [2]  (custom). Therefore, Malay is an individual from any Malay race such as Javanese, Minangkabau, Bugis or Atjehnese (Ong, 1990) and all Malays are understood as Muslims. According to Kling (1995), adat (custom) in Malay society have been influenced in cultural elements by a few great civilizations such as from India, China, Arabia and Western. These cultural elements were inedible, therefore, had been adapted and integrated with Malay cultural. However, the integration between local condition and historical interactions of adat (custom) especially with Islam has shaped the way of Malays life in all aspects. Although the process of Islamization had occurred among Malay society, the cultural elements were still remained and these were called as adat. This adat has been categorized as non-Islamic because it was not come from Islamic religion. Adat was reinterpreted to mean the distinctive and traditional cultural configuration of society as differentiated from purely Islamic elements( Kling. 1995 : 46). Therefore, Islamic religion and adat were accepted as basic of beliefs, ideologies and practices in Malay society. Both Islam and adat have become an important principles to organize Malays in undergo all aspects of their daily life as an individual and a society. The reflection of Islamic religion and adat can be seen when it has been practiced by Malays such as in politic, economic and social. The Concept of Family and Dual-Career Family The term of family have been proposed in many definitions which are in line with flux and variation on the ideas of what is a family. For instance, groups of people that live together such as adoptive families, cohabiting couples, single-families, step-families, homosexual families, homosexual couples or groups of people who live together in one house without biological kinship connection has been depicted as a family nowadays. Most importantly, the images of families have obviously changed from traditional to modern understanding when many types and structures of the families appeared (Bogenshneider Corbett, 2004). The foregoing statement, from my point of view is in line with Jackson (2008). She claims that the variety of definition of family and the changes of family life in early twenty-first century have drew a huge attention among scholars to discuss these topics. Indeed, she also stated that many reasons have been evoked to address the word family and most of the reasons were more likely saying the word family is unstable, diversity and fluidity. All these consequences were pertinent with society who has already accepted the inclined of divorce rates, the decreased of marriage rates, or homosexual relationships as an alternative lifestyles. These were a new form of family which have been agreed in general and in relation with the changes of women and men roles. The term of family is not easy to be defined because of different definitions exist by societies within countries. Therefore, to understand the definitions of family given by any individual or society, they prevalent posted their definition connected with their own cultural, tradition, religion and social surroundings (Flandrin, 1979; Trost, 1990). For example, sociologist used the cultural atmosphere to define the images of families from their perspective before elucidate them precisely using sociological theories (Gubrium Holstein, 1990; Cheal, 2002). Therefore, the emergence of these groups made the definition of family and its concept become heated debate and wide discussion among scholars. However, none of the term of family has been agreed as complete agreement, despite, lots of approaches and arguments need to be considered in defining so that the term of family not merely confine for a single explanation (Worsley, 1977; Elliot, 1986; Cheal, 2002). Thus, understanding the def initions of family in its political context is seemingly vital according to the ideological concept. According to U.S Bureau of the Census (2000a), definition of family is referred to a group of people that consist more than two persons who lived together in a house and be bounded one another by blood, marriage or adoption. Elliot (1986) notes that family has formed based on a marriage between man and woman and they have consolidated with their children as unity in a house. They are being responsible to each other in giving love, support and care likewise has a sameness identity. A family also can be defined as people who remain living together in a group. They have close relationships and will form generations based on kinship (Cheal, 1988). Another definition of family ascribe that family can be formed when the household constitute couples who are live together without married and those who are single-parents and having children (Gullota et al. 1986). Furthermore, Coleman Cressy (1999) defined family as a group of people by marriage, ancestry or adoption who live together in a common household. Defining a word of family also referred to structures of families either a nuclear family or an extended family. A definition given by Cheal (2002) describes the nuclear family consists a man and woman who got married legally and live together with their children in a house. He therefore claims that this family structure can be called as a basic unit of household production, such as food preparation. There are also definitions that differentiate the word the family and the household. From my point of view, these two words have been foreseen had a similar explanation in spite of both of these words have been given different meaning by writers. The connotation of these words always related with a meaning of a group of people that live together in a same place. Due to this, Ball (1974) defines the household as groups of people that have been tied to live together in a place and them also known as a spatial group. However, families are referred to people who lived together in a place as groups. They are connected to each other by blood and marriage and these groups called a kin group. In Malay language, term family is called keluarga. From my point of view, definition of family in Malay language is different from western perspectives. Understanding the word keluarga has to be related with the meaning from context of Islam and adat (custom). Therefore, keluarga consists groups of husband and wife, grandfather and grandmother, siblings and their children, auntie and uncle and their children who then knowing as close relatives and distant relatives. They are bond with variety of responsibilities, social functioning, unity of law and others. Those are included in these groups constitute with a division of the inheritance of Muslims called Faraid Law System (Ruzita, 2000). Due to this definition, Mahmud (1997) states that keluarga is referring to extended family where this family is a unit social and individual who involved in this unit have a relationship known as kinship. Elsaie (2004) points out that family is a group of human social and they are ties together as members by blood and marriage. Their relationships are pertinent not merely mutual expectation but also mutual commitments. These include rights, obligation, identity and provision, love, caring, respect the eldest, security and others. All these are proposed by religion, enforced by law and observed by the group members. In addition, many of Quran verses stated that marriage is encounter with moral security, social commitment and religion obligations. For instance, one verse from Quran stated: And among his signs is this: He created for you spouses from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. (30-21) Therefore, in my opinion, there were many definitions and descriptions of the term of family given by scholars. It is noteworthy to make clear that the term of family have been defined differently between the western and the Malays perspective. This is more likely because of the differences in cultural and political context likewise the historical background. For Malays, the family are formed between man and women who legally married and they accepted single-parents family. They rejected the definition of family which is referring to cohabitation families and homosexual families. However, for west people, the definition of family is referring to all types of family either by married couples, cohabitation couples or homosexual couples. Despite of the definitions of families are often changed and became a fluidity context in sociology discussions, Silva and Smart (1999) claim that the basic functions of family are inevitably and still remained like in traditional perspectives. For instance, family members were applying the basic functions of family such as becoming supporter to one another physically, emotional and spiritual. Therefore, compared to the past, some of sociologist, policy analyst and service professions staffs were more stress on family functions rather than family structures while discussing about family is what people in family supposedly do as familys members (Bala, 1994). In Malay society, there are ties between adat (custom) and Islamic law that in relation to family functions. According to adat (custom), women were given the responsibilities of domestic chores such as child-birth, child-rearing and cooking, or maintaining relationships within kinship and neighbours. Despite these roles of women in Malay society were defined by adat (custom), the definition of the roles were still connected with men under Islamic construction (Laderman, 1983). Therefore, under Islamic law, for men, their identity were referring to their ability such as preparing sons to become independent head of household in future, controlling the sexuality of wives and daughters and providing economic sources for household (Ong, 1990). Nevertheless, structures of family, functional of family and family relationship in almost each country throughout the world had changed due to modernization since 1960s. Modernization has caused tremendous changes in economic system particularly on the growth of economy which then wittingly and unwittingly has also affecting other systems in society and country. Most importantly and surprisingly, these enormous effects can be seen when the number of women entering paid labour force has increased due to lots of opportunities has been given to women in education. The existence of these situations has changed the male and female relationships and the perceptions of the family. For instance, conjugal roles had changed distinctly; therefore, dual-career families emerged. This has given a new image of family in modern atmosphere nowadays. Ropoport Ropoport (1971) were among the first researchers who have interested to study of dual-career family. Their study showed that the respondents of dual-career family have achieved success at various levels as dual-careerist in their employment. This research also has opened a new discussion subsequently among researchers who previously more interested to concentrate on doing research about single-earner household. Dual-career family have been defined by Ropoport Ropoport (1971) as a family who comprises both husband and wife as heads of household. Both of the spouses will sustain as a family and live together besides pursue their career simultaneously. They also explain that understanding the term of career is vital in order to differ between dual-career family with dual-earner family and dual-worker family. Therefore, social sciences has designated precisely the term of career as any jobs which need high commitments or any qualification. A developmental character will be undergone continuously in dual-career family to achieve their career attainment. This career enhancement was needed by them either to get the highest hierarchy in jobs promotion or in order to become expert in their field. Compared to dual-career family, those couples from dual-worker family and dual-earner family especially women will be involved in working environment merely for economic reasons and not for personal achievements or commitments. They involved in lots of works that bringing profit for them. In addition, comparing this situation with dual-career family, women who came from dual-earner family or dual-worker family are still facing with burdens and stress or negative impacts as a mother and a wife (Ibid). In Malaysia, there is no definition of dual-career family in Malay language. What I had found was all researchers in Malaysia were using the meanings that given by western scholars referring to dual-career family. In some research, I sometimes realize that they also referred dual-career family and dual-earner family or dual-worker family like having a similar meaning (this can be proved in sub topic: previous research of dual career family). However, due to this, to understanding the concept of family and dual-career family are needed so that I can limit my research subject. My research subject is focusing on Malay dual-career family either they are nuclear family or extended family. They also need to fulfil the meaning of family from Islam and adat (custom) definitions. Previous Research of Dual-Career Family The phrase of sphere of generativity by Daniel Weingarten (1984) explained that family and work entail two impacts which considered as complimentary, contradictory, or a combination of both. From my point of view, modernization has introduced new images of family whereby related with reasons, effects or ideas about dual-career family which can be found in several of research. As such, dual-career family emerged when women and men entering the paid labour force and this happened within countries and families. Thus, discussion on family and work has been increased especially when women participated in labour division. A number of studies have been done on family and work where the focus of the studies were more on the implications of women participation in the paid labour force and how it linked and affected their roles in families compared to men. Almost majority of research done on work and family have identified the conflict between the responsibilities of family role and work role (Greenhaus Beutell, 1985). For instance, previous studies state that there were probability of conflict between work and leisure (Staines OConnor, 1980) and between work and self (Holahan Gilberst, 1979a, 1979b). Nock (1987) notes that womens struggle in the last few decades has influenced the idea of women rejecting being a mother or giving priority to the family. Their focuses have immensely changed towards life attainment such as in education, work and become independent person. Therefore, when women entering labor force, both husbands and wives are going to work and have their own career. Consequently, the numbers of dual-career families have enhanced dramatically when women preparing themselves adequately in order to engage with their careers and, this would allow them to be in the world of labour force (Inglehart, 1979). Goldscheider Waite (1991) assert that traditional roles between husbands and wives have changed nowadays. Traditionally, assumption that men as a breadwinner and women as a homemaker are being accepted by all societies. Nonetheless, the assumption has eroded when women also play vital roles in contributing to economy of family. These changes perpetuated division of roles in family system and it has also given an enormous impact on the conjugal roles. Benokraitis (1996) discovers a few impacts exist in the family of dual-worker couples. For example, this type of family has affected the quality of marriage, responsibilities among family members, and children well-being. A study done by Cherlin (1992) indicates that living separated with spouse and divorces are more likely to be happened when women involving in the wage labour force particularly if a wife has a higher salary than a husband. Women also found themselves more independent and less relies on husbands in their life. Not surprisingly, working women often took either unpaid work or work as part-time compared to men if the family have infants because of understanding that women were wives and mothers at home. Due to this, they will still be the person who responsible to their children notwithstanding they are involved in labour force. Men were rarely to do likewise as Lewis (2001) states that this happened because of career setbacks or VanEvery (1995) claims because of a commitment to anti sexist living arrangements. It is generally accepted that modernisation had increased cost of living to the households particularly in big cities and towns. Due to this, families must have a great income to fulfil familys needs. Thus, it seem to be seen that the number of working wives have increased in order to help their husband. Study by (Lewis, 1995b) illustrates that by entering the paid work labour showed that womens contribution to the household was 55 percent in Filipina. The reason they go for work and earn more money is to make sure that their children will have sufficient life. Facing a role conflict by women in dual-career families were often occurs especially when they have to make decisions whether to be a wife or a mother or an employee who pursuing her career. With these multi-tasking responsibilities and overloaded roles, women almost had a great stress. In contrast, men in dual-career families were less burden and stress compared to women. With these multi-tasking responsibilities and over loaded roles, women almost had a great stress. In contrast, men in dual-career families were less burden and stress compared to women. Nevertheless, the conflict that they faced is the lack of nurturing which means they did not get intimate relationships from their wives (Carter Carter, 1995). Study done by Galinsky etal (1993) show that 83% of working mothers and 72% of working fathers were experiencing conflict between handling their job and family issues. Another study reported that new division of labour between men and women emerged and had eroded the traditional division when both working spouses manage their work and family. Husbands or fathers were more likely involved in the family while wives or mothers were struggled with their job demands and limited roles (Michelson, 1983; Pleck,, 1979). Habsah Roziah (2003) stated that their study on Malay working women in Shah Alam has shown clearly how these Malay women were still trying to fulfil their responsibilities at work place and home. Only few of them said that they can managed both roles simultaneously while others found that they will just can successful either at work place or at home if they gave less attention on one of them. They also faced tremendous challenges for the child-rearing in urban area particularly when both of them are working. Finding of this research also found father or husband were seemed to help their wife such as playing with children, doing groceries shopping, sending and fetching children from school rather than involved in domestic chores like washing or cooking. According to the research done by Fatimah (1994), it would be true to say that form middle middle-class Malay households view, conducting and managing the household are still under women responsibilities though they are working. Hochschild (1989) points out men do not share the raising on their children and the caring of the children and the caring of their homes. A part of that, commuter marriage also can be said as one of marriage that emerged because of dual-career family. Both spouses have to live separately from each other for long times because of the career commitments at elsewhere. The reasons of these commitments and living apart notwithstanding still referred them as family (Gertsel Gross, 1984; Newman Grauerholz, 2002, Lesthaeghe, 1995). Therefore, from the previous research done by researchers showed that there were problems, reasons and ideas arose when they discussed about dual-career family. Many of these research saying that the emergence of dual-career families have affected the family institution itself in various aspects. Mostly, the researches more focused on how women deal with challenges and difficulties when they have two roles which are under their responsibilities. Due to this, dual-career family is a topic that drew my attention to do a further study on it by looking at Malay dual-career family. With a new model of framework, I believe that this topic will expand and enhance existing literature frame with suggestion in dual-career family.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

British Airways PLC British Airways Essay -- Business Management Studi

British Airways PLC British Airways British Airway’s PLC is the largest international airline in the world. It is based at Heathrow airport in London, the busiest international airport in the world, and has a global flight net-work through such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in Australia, and TAT European airlines in France. Via its own operational and those of its alliance partners, British Airways serves 95 million passengers a year, using 441 airports in 86 countries and more than 1,000 planes. The principal activities of British Airways is the operation of international and domestic scheduled and charter air services for the carriage of passengers, freight and mail and the provision of ancillary services. The term British Airways was formed by the merger of it two predecessors namely------- (1) (BOAC)-----British Overseas Airways Corporation (2) (BEA)-----British European Airways These two operated as separate airlines previously, the new tattle â€Å"British Airways† commended in April 1974. The structure of BA consists of the many divisions under which British Airways operate. Its structure continues to under CO necessary changes, which BA regards as the way forward. Some of its structural changes go on to include operating in partnership with Subsidiaries, Franchisees, and Allied Airlines. These several components come together with British Airways to provide a more effective and smoother working of passenger services. Among these operating divisions, BA remains the major shareholder. However, in cases where BA has a minority share holding, these aircraft operate under the colours of their parent airline. This sharing agreement though successful, could sometimes make it difficult to recognise, who the true operator of a particular aircraft is. BA airways are a vast organisation, running fleets of aircrafts to Varying destinations. This calls for great formalisation of procedure; and CO-operation with subsidiaries, partners, and other bodies which form its structure. This section; British Airways structure has to do with leadership of this enormous concern. There are three Directors; seven executive directors; there is the leadership team which has to do with British Airways, marketing; flight operations; investments; and passenger safety, and interest. The leadership team are also responsibl... and which are now having a significant impact on the airline and its fleet plants. These plans and strategies are also being shaped by the removal of barriers to world trade though deregulation, and increasing access to new markets. These factors have brought about the strategies which are now shaping British Airways for the rears ahead. Firstly, a major cost saving Business Efficiency Programme has been underway for some time, which has enabled the airline to remain to profitable by delivering savings that are targeted to reach  £1bn per year by 2001. Secondly, product improvements have included the World Traveller re-launch in 1998 followed by a Club World upgrade including fully flat beds, and improvements to first class and Concorde, plus an on-going drive to improve the basic service standards which passengers expect, such as good punctuality and baggage delivery performance. The airline is also concentrating on attracting more high-yielding premium-fare passengers and operating the routes which maximise profitability. Other significant strategies include a major revision of the airline’s fleet plans and further development of its partnerships and alliances.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Case Study Of Westminster Company Essay

There are three alternatives which come to view for consideration by the Westminster Company in terms of logistical adjustments. The first option would be to consolidate its warehouses. The second option is to make use of public warehouses and the third option would be to have private warehouses. All the options have advantages and disadvantages which should be considered before a decision is made on the best type of warehousing that should be adopted by the company. System consolidation for the Westminster Company would result in easy gain of economies of transportation. This is because it would be easy to gather truckloads to and from the centers of distribution. This will lower both the customer freight as well as the transfer costs. The effects of warehouse consolidation have some great impacts on the costs of transportation. Firstly, it would reduce the inventory carrying costs. This will be as a result of the reduction of duplication of effort and use of better facilities. Ther e would also be an improvement on order fill rates. This will be achieved because the inventory will distributed from fewer locations of storage. Moreover, the number of freight transfers needed to meet the demands of the customer would be considerably reduced. System consolidation would therefore result in great savings in terms of costs. Another advantage of using the consolidated system is that it offers greater opportunities for large volumes of shipment using trucks. The consolidated system also makes it possible to practice mixed shipment. The large volumes of shipment would mean that there would be need for fewer shipments, each carrying a large quantity. This would improve the economies of scale. There are also some disadvantages of the consolidated system. There are some customers who feel comfortable when the stores are near them. Consolidating the warehouses would increase the distance from some customers. This may pose a challenge on the time taken to deliver the customers. The distance from the distribution centers would be longer and may result in a considerable increase in the cost of transportation. The other alternative is public warehousing. In this form of warehousing, the first advantage is that there is no need for fixed investment. The quality of performance is also considerably high. The first disadvantage of this system is that the variable costs involved are considerably high. Secondly, when handling products of high volume, one must incur high costs in terms of storage and handling. The third option is private warehousing. It is easy to work with  this type of warehousing when handling products which have uncertain nature in terms of their sales. However, this option would not be the best for Westminster products since they are health products which are in demand throughout the year. Use of third party warehousing and transfer would result into higher inventory costs. However, in case there are no fixed investments, the inventory costs would be considerably reduced. One of the advantages of third party warehousing is that since specialists are involved, the service provided is usually better at a lower cost. In terms of cost reduction, consolidated public warehousing would be the best alternative to explore. This is because the overall initial costs are considerably reduced using this option. This would be achieved since the company would not need to make any fixed investments of its own.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Essay Example

Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Essay Example Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Paper Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Paper Essay Topic: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain utilizes the originals of the Unwilling Hero. the Shape Shifter. and Haven vs. Wilderness to demo that Huck Finn and Jim can happen freedom wholly along the Bankss of the Mississippi River. Huck portrays the unwilling hero because he puts a batch of idea into something before he does it. even though it will profit everybody. He is besides really hesitating to execute epic Acts of the Apostless. The King and Duke show the original of the form shifter because they are invariably lying about their individualities and lead oning everybody. The Mississippi represents the characters â€Å"haven† . and Huck and Jim’s place represents the â€Å"wilderness† . Huckleberry Finn portrays the original of the unwilling hero. Huck is really loath to make the right thing. and ever experience guilty about everything he does. The challenges Huck had to get the better of about caused Huck and Jim to free their opportunity at happening freedom. but he ever built up his bravery and was pushed to contend for what he thought was right. After Tom and Huck spooked Jim. Tom wanted to take it farther and â€Å"tie Jim to a tree for fun† ( page 5 ) . Huck had felt guilty for frightening Jim and didn’t want to make any longer injury. so Huck said â€Å"no ; he might wake and do a disturbance† ( page 5 ) . This relates to him being an unwilling hero because you can see that Huck felt bad for making the incorrect thing and his scruples pushed him to make the right thing the 2nd clip about. Another clip when Huck did something to acquire Jim and himself farther down the river was when he said â€Å"I won’t Lashkar-e-Taiba no runaway niggas get by me if I can assist it. † ( page 91 ) . Huck so went on seeking to convert himself that what he did was right. â€Å"They went off and I got aboard the raft. experiencing bad and low ; because I knowed really good I had done incorrect. and I see if warn ; t no usage for me to seek to larn to make right†¦then I thought a minute. and says to myself. keep on ; s’pose you’d ‘a’ done right and giver Jim up. would you felt better than what you do now? No says I. I’d experience bad-I’d feel merely the same manner I do now. Well. so. says I. what’s the usage you ain’t no problem to make incorrect. † ( page 91 ) . Huck felt guilty for lying approximately holding Jim aboard with him. he knew that what he was making was illegal and had problem seeing the good in what he did. As the reader. you know that Jim is really a good adult male and doesn’t deserve to be treated as a slave. But for Huck. it was a truly difficult battle for him to convert himself that lying about Jim and making the immoral thing was really moving as the hero. Even Huck didn’t think of himself as a hero after he did this. he felt bad about what he did. but the fact that it took a batch to carry him to experience comfy about his determination shows that he is suited for the unwilling hero. In the quotation mark â€Å"I says to myself. this is another 1 that I’m allowing his rob her of her money. And when she got through they all jest laid theirselves out to do me experience at place and know I was amongst friends. I felt so cantankerous and low down and intend that I says to myself. my mind’s made up ; I’ll hive that money for them or break. † ( page 175 ) . Huck had merely allowed con creative person to steal money from many different people and had felt guilty about it because he knew of them being form shifters all along. When the con creative persons made their effort to steal these three guiltless misss heritage. Huck felt so bad that he decided to intrigue against them and steal their money back. It took a batch of bravery for Huck to make this. The reader and Huck portion the cognition of cognizing the King and Dukes existent individuality as con creative persons. But with Huck being inside the state of affairs. opposed to the reader being able to see the clear determination. Huck did non desire people to cognize that he had done this title. This shows that he was still hesitating on desiring to make this heroic act. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"I got to make it in a manner that they won’t intuition that I done it† ( page 175 ) . Once once more it takes a batch of Huck converting himself to make this heroic act and is still diffident about it after he does this. This clearly shows Huck in the original of the unwilling hero. Having Huck measure out of his comfort zone lead himself and Jim to freedom. but Huck would non hold been able to demo every bit much bravery if it weren’t for the original of the shapeshifter portrayed by the King and Duke. The Duke and King are ever lying about their individuality and altering their narrative. they deceive many people including Jim. endangering Huck and Jim’s opportunity at freedom. The Duke and King began their function as form shifters when they were foremost introduced in the novel. Huck and Jim were fooled by them for a spot. but it didn’t take long for Huck to calculate out that these were con creative persons. Having two form shifters aboard with them besides got Huck to research his function as the unwilling hero more. You can see this by the manner he doesn’t want to state he knows who they truly are. â€Å"It didn’t take me long to do up my head that these prevaricators warn’t no Kings nor Dukes at all. but merely low down baloneies and frauds. But I neer said nil. neer allow on ; kept it to myself ; it’s the best manner ; so you don’t have no wrangles. and don’t get into no problem. † ( page 125 ) . The King and Duke scammed a whole town out of $ 87. 75 by doing up a make narrative merely to do some speedy money. â€Å"He told them he was a pirate-been a plagiarist for 30 years†¦he’d been robbed last dark and put ashore off of a steamboat without a cent†¦and put in the remainder of his life seeking to turn the plagiarists into the true path† ( page 131 ) Because the town people thought that their narrative was so bosom touching they decided to give them a batch of money even though they didn’t need it at all. This shows how pitiless these characters really are even thought they come across as sort people. The King and Dukes concluding illustration of being form shifters was when they sold Jim back as a slave. By making this Huck and Jim eventually recognize how barbarous and rotten these people are. They wholly betrayed the people who had helped these con artists escape down the river buy selling Jim back into bondage for a really little monetary value. This shows their true character and makes Huck so angry. that he eventually decides to step up and go Jim’s hero. It was really common for the Duke and King to make this. but it took a batch of bravery for Huck to eventually make up ones mind to deliver Jim. This was Huck’s major act that can be seen as the unwilling hero and the concluding measure into procuring Jim’s freedom. All of that can be seen when Huck says â€Å"After all we had done for those villains. here it was all come to nil. everything was all busted up and ruined. because they could hold the bosom to break up Jim suck a fast one as that. and do him a slave once more all his life. and amongst aliens. excessively. for 40 dirty dollars† ( page 211 ) . Even though the King and Duke where really deceiving form shifters. they help Huck recognize that the Mississippi River was where he could happen his freedom and that the river was his â€Å"haven† . Haven vs. Wilderness is another original that is outstanding in the novel. Huck and Jim spend about all of the narrative out on the Mississippi River. but merely because it is in the Wilderness doesn’t mean that that is their â€Å"Wilderness† . The narrative starts off with Huck explicating that he has a bad place life. His male parent is ever intoxicated and doesn’t return attention of him. so he lives with the widow. The widow is in full control of Huck and he hates it. He is the sort of individual who loves to hold freedom and is ever endeavoring for it. That is the same for Jim. he is a slave that about gets sold for money. but all he wants is freedom. Both Huck and Jim’s place lives are non what either of them are looking for. This shows that this portion of their lives is really the Wilderness because to them they are unhappy and non comfy. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"Pretty shortly I wanted to smoke. and asked the widow to allow me. but she wouldn’t. † ( page 2 ) . Huck and Jim end up running off and passing their lives out on the Mississippi River. trusting that finally they will traverse the boundary line and Huck will hold the freedom he wanted and Jim will no longer be a slave. Throughout the narrative the reader starts to recognize that the Mississippi River represents freedom and Huck and Jim have really found their haven out on the river with each other. Both of them achieve the freedom they want and have a good clip researching and run intoing new people ( and smoking baccy ) . This life is exciting and thrilling for them and is really what they aspired from the beginning. This is why the Mississippi River is their Haven. You know when Huck gets off when you read â€Å"I fooled pablum and got away† ( page 30 ) . You can besides see how Jim was treated when he says â€Å"I hear old missis Tell de wider she gwyne to sell me down to Orleans. but she didn’t want to. but she could git eight hund’d dollars for me. en it ‘uz sich a large stack o’ money she couldn’ resis’ . † ( page 43 ) . By the terminal of the book Huck is stating that he is traveling to hold to remain with his Aunt because his male parent died and his Aunt couldn’t merely allow him travel. When Huck says â€Å"Aunt Sally she’s traveling to follow me and educate me. and I can’t stand it. I been there earlier. † ( page 293 ) . Huck is upset about being adopted because you can see that he loved being on the raft with all of the exhilaration and freedom. Huck is put back into the â€Å"Wilderness† and eventually realizes that what he wants ( what his oasis is ) . is to be out researching the universe with his brothers Tom and Jim. Even though this is opposite from what you would anticipate a oasis and a wilderness to be it is what made Huck happy and kept the fresh interesting. These topographic points are where Huck eventually realized that for the first clip in his life he had the freedom that he had ever wanted. Through all the illustration you can see how Mark Twain used the originals of the Unwilling Hero. the Shape Shifter. and Haven vs. Wilderness to show a battle to freedom in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is the Unwilling hero because it takes a batch of carrying for him to make the right thing. but in the terminal he ever does. The King and Duke display the Shape Shifter original because of how deceiving and two faced they are around everybody. Finally the Mississippi River represents the characters â€Å"Haven† and Huck and Jim’s place represent â€Å"Wilderness† because of how unhappy they are at place opposed to the river where they are both happy. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a really inspirational narrative of Huck executing altruistic heroic Acts of the Apostless and will go forth you experiencing good and hopeful for the characters in their hereafter.