Friday, February 28, 2020

Brand survey Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brand survey - Assignment Example Students typing on their laptops sitting on the comfortable couches or chair can be seen when one enters Starbucks and the comfort also enables the students to purchase more drinks than they planned to. Compared to any other coffee store, Starbucks provides a wide range of drinks which includes 22 variations of iced and hot tea, variations of frappuccinos and various other flavors of every drink they offer such as smoothies and juices. However, DD does not offer tea to its customers. Bakery goods are also displayed in glass displays which the customers can easily see but Dunkin Donuts only displays their donuts. An increasing array of foods can be seen at Starbucks such as breakfast meals, various kinds of sandwiches, salads, yogurt as well as ice cream.1 The best thing about Starbucks compared to DD is that it provides an excellent customer service. A Starbucks worker asks a customer for his name which is then written on their beverage in order to ensure that they get the correct or der. Moreover, cup holders are also provided by Starbucks for the customers to use if their beverage is very hot. All these develop brand loyalty because of which the customers visit the store again and again.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A hard days Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A hard days Night - Essay Example With acknowledgement that each era presents its own values, â€Å"A Hard Day’s Night† movie did its best in reflecting the values of then. The movie presents a number of themes which were very imminent in the 1960’s. With it’s critically thought scenes; this movie is indeed balanced in conveying the situation of the American society in the 1960’s. Struggle for fame is one of the basic elements that are very evident in the movie. The scene of interview brings out this clearly. Everybody in the 1960’s was in pursuit of fame. This implied using any method as is depicted by the way the actors were answering questions to the journalists. They did it in a very comical way and throughout the press conference; they had to be very witty. This is because the questions were not by the journalists for themselves but for their fans. They were though very respectable despite Ringo saying that he was a mocker. Liberation is also a powerful theme which is also portrayed by this film. Thoughtfulness leads characters to wander around making them to be in control. There is joy in having freedom over what you do. Simplicity is everything in any major artistic work. In the 1960’s, there were a lot of pressures and expectations in the movie industry. A break from that monotony is what the â€Å"free style interview† depicts. People now want to the village on the screen and this is what exactly this film goes into fulfilling. This movie has even been argued as to have happened by a mistake because of the way it breaks from the previous rules of filming. Following formalities is overcome by doing notion of doing one’s thing. Nevertheless, the liberation did not lower the quality of the filming standards only that it impacted the feeling of liberation and diversification to anybody who watched it. Being real is human. In the 1960’s people were forced to mask most of the thing all