Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Hinduism - Essay Example This paper will discuss Hinduism as a religion and a way of life. As earlier stated, Hinduism is considered by most people as a way of life rather than a religion (Flood 21). This is due to the fact that those who practice it have diverse beliefs, some of which appear to be unique to some communities for example in the rural areas and others for those living in urban areas. As it will be discussed later in the paper, these people have different gods whom they pray to. That not withstanding, they have various common beliefs that make them united under one umbrella of Hinduism. Apart from the belief that the term Hinduism was derived from Indus River, there are other theories which try to explain its meaning. For example, some people believe that the name was an invention of British people in the era of colonization while others believe that it was a term that was used by Persians to refer to India. However, Hinduism is believed to be one of the most ancient religions as several reports indicate that it was already in existence as early as 10000 B.C (Flood 29). One major aspect of Hinduism that has continued to attract criticism especially in the modern world of freedom and democracy is the caste system. This refers to the categorization of people into groups and sub groups on the basis of their family lineage as well as their occupation (Hawley 14). One of the major drawbacks of this system is that it marginalizes people of certain castes such that they cannot be allowed to socialize or intermarry with those of higher castes, who are accorded more privileges and respect in the society. The highest level in the Hindu caste system comprises of the Brahmins, who are considered to be the intermediaries between the gods and humans. In fact, the Hindu tradition defines Brahmins as the most excellent among all humans (Hawley 19). Due to this, they are entrusted with the responsibility of conducting religious rituals in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Early Autum Essay Example for Free

Early Autum Essay Langston Hughes short story â€Å"Early Autumn† demonstrates how distance and time can heal a broken heart. The main character Bill illustrates his distance from Mary showing that he has moved on with his life and relationship. The symbolism in Langston Hughes short story â€Å"Early Autumn† reveals the coldness and distance Bill has towards his and Mary’s once relationship. Hughes writes, â€Å"It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold. † (Hughes, n. d. , para 4) is a perfect example of Bill’s and Mary’s lost relationship. The sunset symbolizes the darkness and coldness in Bill and Mary’s now relationship. Bill is unable to see anything other than a casual friendship with Mary. The coldness has moved in and fall has packed her bags and winter has now arrived to take up residence. The trees are bare and lifeless, it resembles how Bill feels towards the relationship him and Mary once shared, he is emotionless almost lifeless towards Mary. For Bill the darkness is so thick he is unable to see anything in front of him. This woman standing before him may have been someone he once knew a long time ago but she is now someone he no longer recognizes. It’s like the grim reaper had made his appearance taking any life and happiness that had been for Bill and Mary’s once relationship. For Bill that part of his life had been buried and laid to rest a long time ago. The handshake symbolizes the finality of the once relationship for Bill. Mary still clings to the hope that Bill has feelings for her upon seeing him again (â€Å"Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. Hughes, n. d. , para 3). Bill extends his hand to Mary almost instantly severing any idea of romanticism that Mary could have possibly had. Bill extends his hand to Mary almost instantly severing any idea of romanticism that Mary could have possibly had. Bill’s almost business like handshake shows that he doesn’t foster the same ideas or cling to the same memories that Mary does. Bill treats Mary as a colleague, not someone he one shared such an intimate part of himself with. He buried his feelings for Mary the day she gave up on him and their relationship. He now only sees Mary as an acquaintance. The unknown people walking around symbolize how Bill and Mary really no longer know each other. Standing talking to Mary in the hustle and bustle of the New York City streets, (â€Å"A great many people went past them through the park. People they didn’t know† Hughes, n. d. , para 4). Throughout the years that past and the lives they have lived people have weaved in and out. They now both lived two separate lives; Bills life was full of happiness and Mary’s life full of regret. But standing there on the street that day they were strangers themselves. Many years passing just like the people passing by on the busy city street. Even though knowing each other, sharing stories and lives with each other once upon a time, having an intimacy knowing each other in and out. Distance, time and experience have made them different people almost foreign to each other in a way. They are no longer the people they once knew now they are strangers much like the people weaving in and out on the busy streets. The use of Bill’s wife’s name symbolizes his happiness with his marriage and his wife. Bill has made a life for himself and is a very happy man. He tells Mary of this life and of his family with such enthusiasm and pride that you can tell he is right where he wants to be. When talking with Mary at one point Bill mentions his wife by name, Mary on the other hand seems to forget her that she husband. Not once during her and Bill’s conversation does she mention him by name. (â€Å"Sure,† he replied. â€Å"You and your husband must have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and I’d love to have you. † Hughes, n. d. , para 7). Bill invites Mary and her husband to his house for dinner and calls his wife by name. Saying (â€Å"Lucille and I’d love to have you†. ) Bill added a hidden intimacy for his wife by calling her by name. Letting Mary know then and there he loved his wife, by stating her name brought a reality to the fantasy for Mary. Ending and crushing any hope Mary may had clung to. Bill was happy and enjoyed his life; never once regretting his decision’s. Whereas Mary will live with regret for the rest of her life. I truly enjoyed this short story; I think a majority of people can relate. For me it was the lost love or the one who got away. I think that everyone in some way has had this happen to them I know that I have. I can relate to Bill, I can understand how he loved someone so much and they could just move on so easily without so much as a single word. Having your trust broken and it taking years before you can trust someone again is a long and painful road. I think love and relationships are something a lot of people take for granted now a days. Fighting over petty things, putting material possessions over human worth seems to be the norm for most relationships now a days. Fighting with someone and instead of talking it over or working it out; people holding grudges or moving on without so much as a single word uttered. But for Bill it worked out he found love, true love. I think for me the story showed that sometimes it takes a couple of wrong ones until your find the right one. To not let one bad experience jade you for the rest of your life because at the end of it all there is always a silver lining.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thier Eyes Were Watching God :: essays research papers

In life everyone tries to find their true identity. For some it comes naturally, for others it might take years to find their identity, or they might never find it at all. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God; Zora Neale Hurston reveals a woman’s identity through her struggles in life, her treatment by society, and her thoughts on life. Janie a young African American girl who grew up in white life style; believed she was related of them till about the age of six. This impact changed Janie’s view on life. While she thought she was able to do things the color of her skin held her back. This made her try harder to accomplish her goals. When her grandmother insisted that she marry Logan she did not want to. Janie married him to fulfill her grandmother’s dreams. Even though Janie did not love him she struggled till she could not stand it and left with Joe.† It had always been his wish and desire to be a big voice and he had to live nearly thirty years to find a chance.† (28) While, Janie was with Joe in Eaton Vile she had a higher status then the rest of the towns people. Janie tried to interact with them, but Joe would not let her. He thought of Janie as being better then all of them. This led to the way she was treated in society. All of the women in the town thought Janie had everything, but Janie did not. She wanted to be excepted as part of them. When Joe died people in the town expected Janie to be mournful, so she put on an act for them. â€Å"She sent her face to Joe’s funeral, and herself went rollicking with the springtime across the world.† (88) After, Joe’s death Janie still ran the store. While working she meet Tea Cake, he showed her how to play checkers. â€Å"Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play.† (96) This represents how he treated her as equal. Tea Cake compared to the other two husbands in Janie’s life was everything she was looking for. Tea Cake taught her so much that she started to fell more independent. After, Tea Cake’s death Janie grieves on the inside so much that she

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rebellious to Responsible in John Updikes A&P Essay -- Literacy Analy

The lives we live today encompass many moral aspects that would not have been socially acceptable fifty or more years ago. John Updike’s short story, A&P, addresses these issues of societal changes through a 1960’s teenager point of view. This teenager, Sammy, spends a great deal of his time working at a local supermarket, observing customers, and imagining where his life adventures will take him. Through symbolism and setting, Updike establishes the characters and conflicts; these, in turn, evolve Sammy from an observational, ignorant teenager, promoting opposition to changing social rules, into an adult who must face reality. This short story, first published in 1961, stirs up controversy and still continues to be debated today. Although Updike intends for his writing to be simple and enjoyable, he also includes literary and cultural knowledge of the time period for readers to analyze more deeply (Saldivar N. pag.). As with A&P, Updike injects religious faith, which few Non-Catholic writers attempted during this time, in a seemingly effortless way. The supermarket A&P, the main setting of the story, was positioned â€Å"right in the middle of town† (Updike 983); a prime position accessible to all, although, generally this position was reserved for the town’s place of worship. In a way, Updike implanted this detail to be ironic. The supermarket in his story represented a â€Å"temple of modern consumerism† and was replacing a temple of worship (Wells N. pag.). To create a story that was relevant to the 1960’s, yet still encompasses issues society currently faces, demonstrates U pdike’s genius ability to engage in the enthralling world around him. The story begins through Sammy, the narrator, working at the local A&P supermarket. He not... ..., 1994. Literature Resource Center. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. †¢ Porter, M. Gilbert. "John Updike's 'A & P': The Establishment and an Emersonian Cashier." English Journal 61 (Nov. 1972): 1155-1158. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 27. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. Literature Resource Center. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. †¢ Saldivar, Toni. "The Art Of John Updike's "A & P." Studies In Short Fiction 34.2 (1997): 215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. †¢ Thompson, Corey Evan. "Updike's A & P." Explicator 59.4 (2001): 215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. †¢ Updike, John. "A&P." Thinking and Writing About Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. 981-86. Print. †¢ Wells, Walter. "John Updike's `A&P': A Return To Araby." Studies In Short Fiction 30.2 (1993): 127. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Shame: Feeling and Random Chivalrous Deeds

Dick Gregory, the author uses mood and tone to develop the main character as a shameful person, which ultimately teaches the reader that people have to find themselves over time and also how stylistic techniques create the story and its plot. The narrator demonstrates this throughout the short story, influenced by a girl named Helen Tucker. Her existence alone developed the narrator as the shameful person he is and taught him that he will never have a daddy or live a life without feeling dfferent.The author uses mood, which are the feelings created In the set atmosphere of the reading, to put the reader in the narrator's point of view and feel sympathy for his thrive to fit In with everyone else at school. This Is what Influenced the development of Richard's feeling of shame. Another example Is how Richard develops hate for his life and school. He hated asking everyone for necessities, such as rotten pears and even spoonfuls of sugar; even though it is the only way he can survive. Th e mood, including shame and hate, puts the reader in Richard's shoes and makes him r her realize how terrible it would be to live like that.The author also uses tone, which is expressed through the author's attitude, to show how such a sweet kid is treated so badly for being different. For example, when all of the â€Å"daddy's† came into school to donate money. Richard saved all of his money he earned shining shoes and with a very soft and sweet tone was trying to put the Impression on his classmates that his father gave him the fifteen dollars to put In. Yet, the teacher still treated him with hate and disrespect, making feel left out. Another example is the tone of love. Richard always talked to Helen with love In his voice, doing random chivalrous deeds for her and her family.Even after everything he did the love was not returned. This, overall, developed Richard to be a depressed little kid; shedding tears in front of his love and classmates. This technique allows the re ader to see the change in the narrator easily. Richard Gregory was a happy little kid filled with love who changed into a shameful kid filled with hate. In the story â€Å"Shame† by Dick Gregory, the author uses mood and tone to develop the main character as a shameful person, which ultimately eaches the reader that people have to find themselves over time, and what goes around does not always come back around.Richard learned that life does not go how you want It to and even the happiest person can turn out to be living In a life of shame. The trait was rubbed onto Richard through other characters attitudes and feelings. The reader can learn from this, and know to always keep their head up even when life isn't going their way. Shame: Feeling and Random Chivalrous Deeds By kaigace life without feeling different. The author uses mood, which are the feelings created in the set atmosphere of is thrive to fit in with everyone else at school.This is what influenced the development of Richard's feeling of shame. Another example is how Richard develops treated so badly for being different. For example, when all of the â€Å"daddys† came into with a very soft and sweet tone was trying to put the impression on his classmates that his father gave him the fifteen dollars to put in. Yet, the teacher still treated him Richard always talked to Helen with love in his voice, doing random chivalrous deeds you want it to and even the happiest person can turn out to be living in a life of

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gerbners Cultural Mythology Applied to Violence in Music Vi essays

Gerbners Cultural Mythology Applied to Violence in Music Vi essays Acts of violence portrayed by artists in music videos usually depicts actions that represent a message within the lyrics of the song. However, these images can be damaging to the mentality of those viewing, which has prompted much debate among parents who wish to censor offensive lyrics and images portrayed in current popular music. With ongoing violence in schools and in neighborhoods among youths of ages that seem to be younger than ever imagined, one has to wonder if the images seen on television, especially in music videos, desensitize their perception of violence. Some music videos tend to almost glamorize violent acts, presenting the idea that such acts are normal and acceptable within society. Gerbner presents three consequences of viewing violence on television from the time of infancy. Programming reinforces the worst fears and apprehensions and paranoia of people. (Gerbner, 1994) Gerbner implies that being exposed to larger amounts of television violence will lead one to believe that they live in a mean world. People exposed to a lesser amount of television violence will not share these same apprehensions about society. Another consequence of watching a lot of television is that one comes to believe that the violence portrayed on television is normal that everybody does it, and that its a good way of solving problems. (Gerbner, 1994) This viewpoint is a prime example of how influential the actions of music artists in their videos are on the youths who mimic their behaviors when dealing with their own personal situations. They feel that if their favorite artist behaves this way that it is not only acceptable, but also cool for them to behave in the same manner. The third consequence is the pervasive sense of insecurity and vulnerability. (Gerbner, 1994) Gerbner suggests that the more people watch television, the less likely they are to go out and socialize with others. This isolation and...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Participation essays

Participation essays Chapter 9- Effective Participation (Wilson 253-255) I will go through each of the five categories under effective participation and tell what I observed on our group for each one. First- I think each member of our group was committed to do their best as time and resources allowed. Each contributed to the group in meetings and in presentations. Keith often was the leader behind our group presentations. I would say that he always was but I'm not sure that my memory is accurate. He came up with the ideas for the presentations that we ended up using, he coordinated them, made sure that everyone knew what they were doing and that they were going to do their part and be there on the day of the presentation. Charley did his part well and helped contribute ideas and suggestions for ways of presenting. Jessica and Salena came through and completed every assignment that they were given. When given parts to do for presentations they did them. Second- In our group members had differing goals that they wanted to accomplish. Though as it became closer to the due date of the final I think those goals became more the same but because of these differences it is difficult to determine for sure if every group member was committed to the good of the group or not. Over all I think the common goal of the group especially towards the end was to complete the final. This goal was shared both as a group and individually and the group was used to help all of the individuals complete the final. Third- Our group did not deal much with facts and opinions that would cause much tension as it might have had it been formed in an organization. But when it came to how to do the final conflict arose as different members had different ideas of how to do the final. As individuals expressed the way they saw that it was supposed to be done conflict ensued. Fourth- the best example I saw of possible competition in our group, though it didn't damage th ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Domestic versus Imported Goods essay

buy custom Domestic versus Imported Goods essay Today American market offers exceptionally wide range of goods and services due to intensive development of the global trade. Both online and retail stores offer domestic and imported goods for sale, and consumers are free to make their choice. However, disputes are often rising over whether buying imported instead of domestic goods contributes to weakening of the American domestic market. The purpose of this essay is to reveal major issues that refer to imported versus domestic goods competition by comparing two similar items of clothing. In addition, the paper focuses on the impact of buying imported rather than domestic goods. We had chosen two items from online shops to conduct the comparative analysis. One of them is an imported item and another is an item produced by the U.S. brand. This first refers to the pair of shoes by GrownSewn, a famous American brand, and costs $275. The chosen model is Beloit 6, plain toe boots. It is available in two colors, black and brown. The size ranges from 7.5 to 12, but only two of them are available, 8.5 and 10. The pair of boots belongs to the lasting collection that exists since 1892. Each item in it is made out of American produced materials. Undoubtedly, American consumers can afford such shoes, as the price is reasonable and corresponds to products quality. owever, a similar model of boots by Zara, a Spanish world famous brand, is much more lucrative choice. Zara offers alike pair of shoes of high quality for lower price, namely $139. These boots are made out of cow leather; the sole consists of thermoplastic rubber and reconstitute leather, which are absolutely reliable. Second, all the sizes are available in the online shop. Finally, Zara offers other alternatives of this good for reasonable prices. All these factors increase the likelihood of higher sales in Zara rather than in GrownSewn. Imported product obviously has a beneficial impact on financial resources, as the customer will save $136. Buying an imported boots has numerous advantages not only for American consumers but for the entire sector of domestic economy. It creates competition and encourages domestic producers to reduce prices (Manzella, 2013). Also, import assists the quality of life to improve by preventing inflation. Eventually, due to import, people may spend more money on education, health, and other spheres that largely contribute to economic development (Manzella, 2013). Moreover, import has a positive influence on the development of domestic firms, encouraging them to improve their strategies and to achieve greater competitiveness. The experts suggest that domestic firms should focus on goods quality increase to attract consumers and to cope with their international competitors (Amiti Khandelwal, 2009). Even if goods are of excellent quality, there are things to improve and to make the products more attractive. However, upgrading goods quality does not obviously result in a sustainable growth and competitiveness. There are many additional suggestions, such as developing new effective business strategies, involving modern technologies and others. However, import may also have negative impact on nations economy. For example, import leads to domestic goods substitution and domestic economy becomes less self-sufficient. What is more, if products that can be manufactured in the USA are simply imported, the manufacture would decrease and people would lose their jobs (Manzella, 2013). In conclusion, today foreign goods can easily enter domestic markets, and the U.S. market is not an exception. Consequently, American customers have an access to much wider choice of goods. This permits people to save and to invest their money into other sectors of domestic economy, such as education. However, each product purchased from foreign companies dooms the U.S. domestic companies for extremely tough competition, encourages them to improve production and to reduce costs, decreases of domestic manufacture and raises of unemployment rates. Buy custom Domestic versus Imported Goods essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 4

Performance Management - Essay Example Google Inc. has been built greatly and the results all over the world speak for themselves. However, one of the things it has always believed in is that great is not always good enough and this is the reason that it started the putting plans in place to improve how it manages the performance of its employees including the managers. It sought ways to ensure that all its resources are being put into action in making the employees happy, satisfied as well as have incentives enough to work and increase their performance which would ensure sustainability of the company’s success. The planning started with the management as part of the employee team and trying to ensure that its performance increases through making them better bosses. The planning was carried out by a small team but it involved the whole company. The employees were given surveys on what would make the bosses better and the feedback was incorporated in the performance management package. This was in addition to the p erformance reviews given to the managers themselves, the praises and complaints they had been receiving from the employees and even customers among other channels. Google Inc. has another way to review performance management of their employees and this is through the employees setting goals and objectives for themselves and then quantifying all these goals and explaining ways in which they will be able to attain these goals within the specified time. This is meant to empower the employees to plan their work.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Standardized Coding Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Standardized Coding Systems - Assignment Example A standard language improves patient care and also the adherence to the standards of nursing care. Assessment of nursing competency is also made possible. Communication among Nurses as well as other Health care practitioners is made better thus; documents by a particular nurse can be used by any other nurse thus flexible service providence (Nursing World Organisation, 2014). As the technology changes, the mode of recording and keeping health related data and documents has also changed. Most of the records are Electronic documents(ED). The use of ED can only be effective with a standardise vocabularies to descried key components of the health care process (Thompson, 2013). The Committee for Nursing Practice Information Infrastructure (CNPII) of the America Nurses Association (ANA) recognize thirteen standardized languages one of which has been discarded. Two of then languages are interdisciplinary while two are minimum data set. The rest seven languages are nursing specific. Any individual m ay develop a language and then submit it to the CNPII for approval voluntary. The developer should only make sure that, the nomenclature, classification, data set and terminologies of the language supports the nursing practices and that there is no ambiguity (Philadelphia: NANDA (2012). Standardisation is necessary as data collection and analysis to evaluate nursing care outcomes are enhanced (Nursing World Organisation, 2014). Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2014, from

HRM and organisation change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HRM and organisation change - Essay Example The study of organisational readiness to change is not new; readiness as a concept was introduced by Jacobson in 1957 as a unique construct involved in any change process within several theoretical frameworks (Holt, Amenakis, Feild, Harris 2007, p. 234). According to Backer (1995), even though readiness is not a fixed notion, it can be assessed and enhanced by professionals in order to create supportive change climate within the organisation. Dimond (1995) states that since change is a human process readiness to change is a key prerequisite of success. It is the reason why the assessment of readiness is complicated but very valuable process that benefits organisational capacity to reduce resistance to change and implement novelties effectively. Different organisations approach readiness assessment in different ways; however, there are some certain thing all of them need to pay attention to if they want to make sure that they are ready for the change. In order to define readiness for change, companies need to conduct readiness assessment which includes the analysis of several work domains. First of all, one needs to collect relevant data in order to decide whether organisation is ready for change or not. The choice of data collection method depends on the organisation and the ways how the change is going to be implemented (Newton 2007). If organisation hires external consultants, they would rather choose standard methods of data collection because they represented external force in this change. However, if on-board staff members are involved in the change, they can utilise various methods in order to collect detailed data about each person and aspect potentially affected by the change. It is critical to pay attention to all 3 dimensions at a time because, all in all, ignorance of corporate leaders and organisation development professionals can result in change resistance and failure of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 Case Assignment Essay

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 Case Assignment - Essay Example Organization development (OD) strategies aim to improve organizational ability to diagnose and assess its effectiveness to provide appropriate remedy or interventions to problems and issues (Tichy, Hornstein, & Nisberg, 1977). These utilized open systems which optimized a transparent explication of the inputs, throughputs, and outputs of the organization’s feedback loop. This is hoped to motivate organizational members to participate in change processes (Burke, Coruzzi, & Church in Kraut, 1996; French & Bell, 1995; Harrison, 1987). Organizational development involved some models (Howard and Associates, 1994) that could facilitate the enhancement of deepening the understanding of organizational organization; of categorizing organizational data; interpret these data to generate meanings; and to develop common organizational language. It can also identify vital variables of the organization and depict its relations and impacts. This is an empirical method of evaluation. It also u ses comprehensive kind of analyses. The latter cover: 1. Force Field Analysis (1951)- This is developed by Kurt Lewin developed this model of analysis. It is perceived as relatively simple and can be creatively visualized because it can depict the driving and retraining forces of an organization (Leadership Sphere, 2012). These driving forces encompass environmental factors and change management while the restraining forces may include limited resources and demotivated human resources that could bar organizational sustainability and development (Leadership Sphere, 2012). When these hindering and driving forces are identified, the organization can proceed to formulate recommendations to solve the problems and regain organizational balance. This model aims to bring about the state of equilibrium of driving forces to eliminate the restraining factors (Leadership Sphere, 2012). 2. Leavitt’s Model (1965) – This refers to authority systems, communication systems, and work fl ow within the organization. This includes the use of technology (or machinery), tasks, and subtasks that are embed in organization’s product and services (Leadership Sphere, 2012). This will also include the human resources designated to perform roles and tasks to attain organizational goals (Leadership Sphere, 2012). These variables are dynamic, interrelated, and interdependent. Any changes in each of the variable will impact to the other variables in a chained effect. Sometimes, the change in variables may produce compensatory or retaliatory change in the other variables. However, this model does not address the concerns on external environment that may affect the variables of the organization (Leadership Sphere, 2012). 3. Likert System Analysis (1967) – This fundamentally addresses the concern on organizational motivation, communication, interaction, decision-making, goal-setting, control, and performance (Likert, 1967). While there is no illustration to depict this is as an analytical tool but this can be addressed by enhancing or using recommended systems of organizational management. This encourage democratization of decision-makings, participation, consultation, exercise of benevolent leadership and transformational leadership (Leadership Sphere, 2012). The framework originally has no standard scale: â€Å"strongly agree,† â€Å"agree,† â€Å"neither agree nor disagree,† â€Å"disagree,† and â€Å"strongly disagree.† It used to have a customized scale labels for each question raised

Trends in International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trends in International Business - Essay Example Deregulation process has actually allowed global firms to expand and enter into the markets which were traditionally closed. Further, deregulation has created more efficiency and has allowed them to move beyond bureaucracies to implement better and more improved management practices. Deregulation of industries like Airline services has driven the prices down and further intensified the competition. This has therefore benefited common consumers to take advantage of lower prices and more efficient products and services. (Katsioloudes & Hadjidakis, 2012) The fall of Berlin Wall has actually paved the way for the integration of Europe and has allowed Eastern Europe to come out of the Communist influence. The changes in Eastern Europe since the fall has allowed these countries to become part of EU and thus gave access to new markets. International firms have also gained access to cheap labor in Europe besides Consumers getting low priced

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 Case Assignment Essay

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 Case Assignment - Essay Example Organization development (OD) strategies aim to improve organizational ability to diagnose and assess its effectiveness to provide appropriate remedy or interventions to problems and issues (Tichy, Hornstein, & Nisberg, 1977). These utilized open systems which optimized a transparent explication of the inputs, throughputs, and outputs of the organization’s feedback loop. This is hoped to motivate organizational members to participate in change processes (Burke, Coruzzi, & Church in Kraut, 1996; French & Bell, 1995; Harrison, 1987). Organizational development involved some models (Howard and Associates, 1994) that could facilitate the enhancement of deepening the understanding of organizational organization; of categorizing organizational data; interpret these data to generate meanings; and to develop common organizational language. It can also identify vital variables of the organization and depict its relations and impacts. This is an empirical method of evaluation. It also u ses comprehensive kind of analyses. The latter cover: 1. Force Field Analysis (1951)- This is developed by Kurt Lewin developed this model of analysis. It is perceived as relatively simple and can be creatively visualized because it can depict the driving and retraining forces of an organization (Leadership Sphere, 2012). These driving forces encompass environmental factors and change management while the restraining forces may include limited resources and demotivated human resources that could bar organizational sustainability and development (Leadership Sphere, 2012). When these hindering and driving forces are identified, the organization can proceed to formulate recommendations to solve the problems and regain organizational balance. This model aims to bring about the state of equilibrium of driving forces to eliminate the restraining factors (Leadership Sphere, 2012). 2. Leavitt’s Model (1965) – This refers to authority systems, communication systems, and work fl ow within the organization. This includes the use of technology (or machinery), tasks, and subtasks that are embed in organization’s product and services (Leadership Sphere, 2012). This will also include the human resources designated to perform roles and tasks to attain organizational goals (Leadership Sphere, 2012). These variables are dynamic, interrelated, and interdependent. Any changes in each of the variable will impact to the other variables in a chained effect. Sometimes, the change in variables may produce compensatory or retaliatory change in the other variables. However, this model does not address the concerns on external environment that may affect the variables of the organization (Leadership Sphere, 2012). 3. Likert System Analysis (1967) – This fundamentally addresses the concern on organizational motivation, communication, interaction, decision-making, goal-setting, control, and performance (Likert, 1967). While there is no illustration to depict this is as an analytical tool but this can be addressed by enhancing or using recommended systems of organizational management. This encourage democratization of decision-makings, participation, consultation, exercise of benevolent leadership and transformational leadership (Leadership Sphere, 2012). The framework originally has no standard scale: â€Å"strongly agree,† â€Å"agree,† â€Å"neither agree nor disagree,† â€Å"disagree,† and â€Å"strongly disagree.† It used to have a customized scale labels for each question raised

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Australian Responses to the Decline of Britain as a World Power in the Essay

Australian Responses to the Decline of Britain as a World Power in the Twentieth Century - Essay Example This is in spite of (or should one say, because) of the fact that, ethnically, the majority of Australians are British, mainly penal settlers; the original habitants of the country-the aborigines-constitute a mere 2% of the present population.2 Although some Australian writers of the early twentieth century, perhaps as a reaction, have gone to the extent of denying British influence on Australian life and institutions in general, this is a denial of the truth. The relation between Britain and Australia, "both official and sentimental"3 is complex, and "till 1914, Australia depended on Britain for much of its prosperity, by choice."(the emphasis is mine)4 As Keith Hancock said, it was "not impossible for Australia, nourished by a glorious literature and haunted by old memories to be in love with two soils."5 The imbroglio over an independent defence for the Dominion was the chief political issue between Britain and Australia during the pre World War years of the twentieth century. In 1899, 16000 Australians had voluntarily served in the Boer War. Neville Chamberlain, who later became Prime Minister of Britain, enthusiastically pushed for the formation of colonial armies (India, Canada, New Zealand and Australia) that would fight anywhere across the Empire. Although New Zealand was agreeable to providing soldiers for this force, both Canada and Australia balked. Australia wanted an army for its own protection and not for being deployed to Europe. Political events of the time, like the Boer War, which undermined British supremacy worried Australia. It felt that it could be attacked in its position as a colony of Britain. When Japan defeated Russia (Russo-Japanese War, 1905) and showed inclinations to spreading out militarily into Asia, Australia worried that it might also divert its coveto us eyes to acquisitions on Australian territory. Britain did not initially encourage Australia to develop itself militarily, because it did not take the idea of a defence force for its dominion seriously. Besides, it was felt that should any enemy commercial ship defeat an Australian gunboat in an engagement, it would reflect on Britain, as a defeat of Imperial forces.6 However, the increasing threats to British supremacy and the spectre of a Germany strengthening its military spurred Britain on to urge its colonies to develop their own military. In 1906, the Imperial Admiralty proposed the establishment of a separate navy stationed at Melbourne and was generous in funding this as well.7 Alfred Deakin, Australian Prime Minister, wrested a concession from Britain-that the personnel from the Australian navy could be interchanged with those of the Imperial. This would give them (the Australian navy) the necessary expertise. Admiral Sir John Fisher of Britain also provided, by default, an impetus for the development of the Australian n avy. Fisher believed that if a flotilla were developed, such that the British Isles instead of being defended at her borders (by battleships) could have torpedo ships that prevented enemy vessels from setting out from their shores, it would be in the larger interest of Britain.8 This led to the addition of ships to the Australian Navy, and an enhancement of its strength.     

Owner-Manager Types Essay Example for Free

Owner-Manager Types Essay Cranfield School of Management has been studying the behaviour of entrepreneurs and their relationship with key staff in some thousands of growing UK companies. Cranfield study has concluded that it is the entrepreneurs themselves who are the most likely to be the biggest stumbling block to the growth and development of their own company. Cranfield grouped entrepreneurs into four dominant types of relationship with their staff, mainly: Heroes, Artisans, Meddlers and Strategists. Past Cranfield studies shows that most small firms do not think very much about their future strategy. In fact, less than a third of small and medium enterprises across Europe set their objectives in terms of profit and margins. This is somewhat surprising as profit and profitability are the key measures of business success. However, as over two-thirds of owner-managed companies with a turnover of i 10 million do not have a plan at all, it should come as no surprise that few entrepreneurs are strategists. Other research has uncovered the shocking fact that 60 per cent of senior staff in small firms leave within two years of their appointment. Some of these early departures can be put down to poor recruitment. The researchers studied two important elements of this relationship. The first element studied was how much time the owner-manager spent on routine management tasks such as marketing, selling, analysing figures, reviewing budgets or arbitrating between managers. The second one examines what level of business skills has been attained by the key staff. Heroes Probably the Heroes undertake one management function such as sales or production. The Heroes time is now spent on managing the business. As the level of business skill throughout their employees is still relatively low, the Heroes will take the lead in starting routine management procedures. They will introduce ideas from the courses they attend to the firm and be the only persons who really understand them. That is the reason why they will be considered as Heroes from the rest of the employees. Unfortunately, this leads to the Heroes taking the Herculean role on their hands. In this case, allocating operations to the employees is relatively simple as the working skills in most businesses are either readily available in the local community or the people can be trained up without too much difficulty. On the other hand, passing out routine management tasks will almost always require that the owner or manager trains up his own management teams. There are few well trained managers available to the small company because of two main reasons. Firstly, the overall pool of such people is small as training in the small business sector until recently has been almost exclusively concentrated on the Entrepreneur. Secondly, well trained managers usually seek jobs in larger firms with more opportunities for advancement and more resources to practice the art of management on. The Heroes have a high capacity for improving the firm performance but still have low growth prospects when compared to their market. They have no time for strategic thinking and no depth of management to handle growth effectively. Artisans In the Cranfield model, the Artisans are characterized by low occupation with routine management tasks. The reason is that most of their time is spent producing a product or delivering a service. The level of business skills in the company is also low as most of the Artisans staff is employed helping in production or performing primary duties, such as book-keeping or selling. Artisans can include professional firms, such as architects and surveyors, manufacturers, sub-contractors or small building firms, owners of small retail chains such as chemists, video stores and proprietors of hotels and restaurants. Little time is available either for routine management tasks such as examining performance or reassessing methods. Every hour that can be sold is sold and little time is left over to either improve the quality or profitability of todays business or to consider strategy for tomorrow. The Artisans have low growth prospects in relation to their market. Their training and development needs are to raise their awareness of the management significance as a business task of equal importance with daily revenue earning. Meddlers The Meddler increases the level of management skills either by training or recruitment but then fails to delegate routine management tasks. At this stage, according to the Cranfield model, the owner-managers probably have no operative responsibilities and have assumed the role of managing directors. Typically, they spend much time anticipating subordinates, introducing more refined, but largely unnecessary management systems. They also go on courses or read books that make them even more well-informed and sometimes better at routine management tasks than their own employees, who anyway are by now doing a perfectly satisfactory job of managing todays business. They get in early and leave late and practice management by walking about. The Meddlers problem is that they cannot delegate routine management tasks because they feel useless. They have been used to a 70-90 hour week with only 10 days holiday each year. Once their management team is in place and trained, they are out of a job. Until they reduce their involvement with routine management tasks, they will limit the growth capacity of this firm for two reasons. Firstly, their management team will not take on more duties if the reward for taking on the last lot of responsibility was being irritated and criticised. Secondly, they are too busy checking on people to develop sound strategies for growth. Strategists The Strategists are the most desirable type of entrepreneurs to develop a growing business. They develop the management skills of their team to the highest appropriate level and in depth. They may introduce a staff duty to help their line managers in such areas as personnel and market research. This will free-up their key managers to think strategically too. They will dedicate roughly a third of their time to management tasks such as monitoring performance, co-ordinating activities, resolving conflict and helping to manage todays business. A third of their time will be spent motivating, counselling, developing management teams and helping them to manage change. This activity is aimed at improving the existing business. The final third of their time will be devoted on developing strategic thinking to form the shape of the future business. Their training needs will be to continuously update their core leadership and motivation skills and to increase their depth of knowledge on strategic issues, acquisition or divestment activity and financing sources. Relationship between the Owner-Manager and His Key Staff in a Growing Firm The natural path of development for the relationship between the owner-manager and his team is to pass from Artisan to Hero to Meddler and for the lucky few to become Strategists. Why Family Businesses Die The family business is deeply rooted in the sense of pride of the owner like most of other forms. Schein (1998) said that this is reinforced by a desire for autonomy which forms part of the five career anchors. This becomes possible with the combination of vision, energy and dedication. Moorman and Halloran (1993) stated that there are more businesses that fail than they succeed in this competitive market place. Twenty-four from one hundred start-ups fail in the U. S. , within the first two years and more than sixty within the first six years. This happens due to lack of planning and preparation which is the most common reason. The second is the lack of creativity which is important to survive. Some businesses offering the same product may succeed because they are doing something better and more innovative than competition. The Copy Cat approach lacks creative skills to turn its product into a unique selling proposition. This can be harmful for family businesses.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka | Analysis

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka | Analysis The Metamorphosis written by a German man by the name of Franz Kafka is a prime example of a modernist story. The writing takes on many different aspects of the modern era, with topics on psychoanalysis; breaking down the components of Gregors thoughts, physics, and it also has some what of a political issue on what is the modern world. Gregor Samsas dilemma unfolds very abruptly. The first sentence of the story tells you that he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug. The breakdown and psychoanalysis of Gregors realization that he is now a bug is very strange in the fact that he almost doesnt seem to think it is much of an issue. When he awakes to find himself in the form of a giant insect he wonders Whats happened to me but then his attention is drifted to the picture on the wall and from that to the loud audible rain coming from outside. At this point in his dilemma you would think that his mind would be full of insanity, but not Gregor Samsa he thinks of it as all foolishness and even considers going back to sleep. In going back to sleep Gregors problem isnt the horrid fact that hes now a bug it is instead that in this bug form it is hard for him to sleep on his side, which is the side that he is comfortable with. The dynamics of physics is added to the book in describing his now bug body. It describes his armor-hard back, his arched abdomen that is now divided into bow-like sections. It also goes on to tell about his many leg and how they compare to his massive bug body. All the descriptions give a vivid imagery of the physics of a horrid insect. In a modern world of money and politics where there is a breadwinner of the household Gregor realizes that he has missed his train making getting to work improbable. His income is the means by which the household stays a household. In the apartment with Gregor is his younger sister Grete, his father and his sick mother of which their names are not announced. In this political world Gregor Samsa is basically forced to work a job he hates at a business he hates even more with a terrible boss. After the collapse of Gregors fathers business Gregor had to take up the responsibility of paying off his fathers debts to his boss. Gregors father is very upset with the fact that he doesnt work and feels ashamed for not being the provider as he feels the father should be. Once the realization that Gregor as a giant insect can hardly have or hold down a job sets in the father again gets to step back into the lime light as the breadwinner and provider. Gregor begins to become useless to his family in his present form. The psychological effect that Gregor has on his family is one of fear and disgust. His younger sister Grete tries to help at first by feeding him everyday and showing sympathy but after a while it just become too much for Grete to handle. Gregors appearance does not help with his mothers health and this sometimes excites fits of violence in his father. In one instance his father become irate and pelts Gregor with fruit injuring and making it hard for him to walk. Grete and Gregors fathers feelings over the effect that Gregors mother, her only son that is now an insect is making her health worse and worse and leaves Grete and her father to resent Gregor. As days go on and pass he is more and more separated and isolated from his family because of what he has become. Sometimes the family would leave his door ajar to make it seem like he was closer and in some way in the other room with them. After the wounds given to Gregor by his father the family begins to neglect him. The family takes in three loggers and use the room Gregor is in as a storage space adding insult to injury as if he wasnt there and was already gone. Gregor stays in his room in crippling pain wasting away day by day wishing he had some way to express the feeling and emotions of being a bug and the things like how he wants to encourage his younger sister Gretes violin talents. Later in the story even more of his human interests coincide with the giant bug of a man that he has become. When the rhythm of the music being played on a violin in the parlor by Grete he becomes very excited. The music coming from the parlor sways him from his room and he cannot help but to dance his way into the parlor. When the loggers catch site of him the family cannot handle it any longer and in that is the breaking point for the family. After the incident in the parlor Grete conveys to the rest of the family that there is no longer a Gregor but now just an insect. She suggests that they give up on the i dea of Gregor ever being human again and with remorse they all agree. Later that night abandoned Gregor creeps back into his room where he dies with the mind of a human and the physical body of a disgusting insect. The book The Metamorphosis is a classic modernist/postmodernist story with examples found in all aspects of the genera and era. Conveying topics such as the mind of a man who to no ones reasoning wakes up as a bug, and the analysis of his psyche. Along with the modern world and its problems with debts, and the politics behind them. German man Franz Kafka was able to link the world of modernism/postmodernism as examples from the book being of psychoanalysis, physics, and politics through the life and death of a bug-man.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Do white males have anything to fear from Affirmative Action? Essay

Do white males have anything to fear from Affirmative Action? Affirmative Action can be defined as policies used in the United States to increase opportunities for minorities by favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities† might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. This action constitutes a good faith effort by employees to address past and/or present discrimination through a variety of specific, results-oriented procedures. This is a step beyond equal opportunity laws that simply ban discriminatory practices. There are four main types of affirmative action that an employer may use. They include:  · Aggressive recruiting to expand the pool of candidates for job openings;  · Evaluating and updating selection tools and criteria to ensure their relevance to job performance;  · Revising traditional measures of merit to more fully recognize talent and performance under varying conditions;  · Establishing goals and timetables for hiring underrepresented groups These are not the only ways that employers use to complement the affirmative action but they are the more favorable ways to attack the problem of discrimination in the workplace. From its beginnings in the United States in the 1960s, affirmative action has been highly controversial. Critics charge that affirmative action policies, which gi...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Pain management in children Introduction -Nurses are not good at assessing children s pain -How children are going untreated from pain -The stress is causes the child -How nurses should have more knowledge Health care workers need to understand pain and have knowledge to deal with it correctly. Children in hospitals are receiving insufficient pain relief due to lack of knowledge from health care providers. Pediatric nurses have misconceptions about children self-reporting pain and focus on behavior, physiologic reactions and the nurses own opinion (Simons & Moseley, 2009). This results in children having inadequate treatment for their pain. Wilkie, Wang, & Van Hulle Vincent (2011) found that if a child complains of pain and the nurse does not find antiquate objective information to back up the child’s self report of pain, it is unlikely the nurse will do anything about it. Severely ill Children in intensive care, who experience a high amount of painful procedures, can demonstrate post-traumatic stress up to six months later. For this reason nurses in intensive care need to b... Essay -- Pain management in children Introduction -Nurses are not good at assessing children s pain -How children are going untreated from pain -The stress is causes the child -How nurses should have more knowledge Health care workers need to understand pain and have knowledge to deal with it correctly. Children in hospitals are receiving insufficient pain relief due to lack of knowledge from health care providers. Pediatric nurses have misconceptions about children self-reporting pain and focus on behavior, physiologic reactions and the nurses own opinion (Simons & Moseley, 2009). This results in children having inadequate treatment for their pain. Wilkie, Wang, & Van Hulle Vincent (2011) found that if a child complains of pain and the nurse does not find antiquate objective information to back up the child’s self report of pain, it is unlikely the nurse will do anything about it. Severely ill Children in intensive care, who experience a high amount of painful procedures, can demonstrate post-traumatic stress up to six months later. For this reason nurses in intensive care need to b...

Friday, October 11, 2019

This Boys Life

The film we watched was called This Boys Life directed by Michael Caton- Jones and produced by the following men; Jon Peters, Art Linson and Fitch Cady. The movie takes place around 1957 where a son and mother flee the East and an abusive boyfriend to find a new life, and end up on Seattle, where the mother meets a polite garage mechanic. The boy continually gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd.The mo marries the mechanic, but they soon find out that he's an abusive and unreasoning alcoholic, and they struggle to maintain hope in an mpossible situation as the boy grows up with plans to escape the small town by any means possible. This movie was based Offa true story by Tobias Wolff that was written by Ed Sutton. The main characters in the movie are Jack, Caroline, and Dwight. Jack who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio is the main protagonist in the story. First his name was Tibias Wolff but then he changes it to Jack. He has a troubled childhood, which is plagued by dom estic abuse and misbehaviour.Despite his grim upbringing, he remains hopeful and is convinced that he is capable of a better life. Caroline whose nickname is Rosemary is played by Ellen Barkin. Carline is Jacks mother who struggles financially to support herself and her son, through she is neglectful at time you can tell that she has a special love for Jack. Rosemary was abused as a child and cannot bring herself to inflict violence or any sort of punishment on Jack, even though she has the habit of taking up with violent men who inflict the same abuse on both of them.Dwight is played by Robert De Niro is Jacks stepfather and is the main antagonist of the story. He is a cruel and violent man ho convinces Rosemary to marry him and move to Chinnok to live with him. Dwight is especially resentful of Jack and treats him with the utmost brutality. Dwight drinks to excess, steals Jacks and Rosemary's money, and often instigates physical altercations with Jack. One interesting part that I always wished I could do is being able to Just pack up and move. Not have any worries about the future and be like Caroline and have high hopes for the future, life would be great.There are three stages of Erik Erikson's eight stages of life that are recognizable in the film. There are; dentity versus confusion, intimacy versus isolation and generativity versus stagnation. Erik describes the first stage (identity versus confusion) as a dilemma during adolescence and early adulthood. Every individual is challenged to define who he or she is and who they will be in the future (Holloway et al 99). You can clearly see Jacks struggle during this stage in the film. He is constantly getting into trouble because of the group of friends he is hanging around.For example when they are in the bathroom smoking and they make fun of him he writes inappropriate words on the stale. Him and his so called friends also release the break from a car and let it roll down the hill until it crashes. An exam ple of this stage is when Jack is trying to figure out where he belongs and where he wants to go after high school. Jack hangs out with the wrong crowd but then starts to hang around another boy who seems to His grades are not good at all, has C's in every course, the battle to get into a post secondary school is hard.He was to look up to his dad and brother who went to a â€Å"top notch† high school. He has everyone saying that he won't get accepted anywhere because of his attitude and grades. Through it all he gets accepted and Dwight is immediately Jealous. Intimacy versus isolation is based on the ability to trust a person enough to reveal your personal thoughts and feelings to him or her, it is necessary to have a clear sense of who you are (Holloway et al 100). I think there are two examples in the film of this stage. First being Caroline and Dwight.Caroline has always been with another man and is used to having someone there but she was never really able to trust them or let her true self out because both men were abusive to her. When Dwight and her got married and had sexual intimacy later he efused to want to look at her face and actually held her head down on the bed so that she could not look up. She had no other choice but to accept how she was living because she was scared to be on her own. She also had no money and no where else to go so that factor was stopping her from running away.This is the opposite of what Erik Erikson is trying to portray. On the other hand, Jack and Caroline share an intimate relationship but on a parent to child level. They both are able to reveal their true feelings to each other and trust each other so greatly. At the end of the film Caroline finally has the courage to stand up to Dwight and escape. They both ‘pack their bags ‘ (not actually) and run off. I believe that you have to have a high level of trust if you are able to Just run away with someone and hope that whatever happens the outcome will be positive.The last stage called generativity versus stagnation. Erikson's theory suggests that this task follows the formation of identity and the development of intimate relationships. On the social clock, it requires fidelity and love. The tasks of early adulthood are to determine first who you want to be and what ou want to do so that you are true to yourself (Holloway et al 100). This age occurs during middle adulthood between the ages of about 40 to 65. People in this stage are focused on nurturing or creating things that will outlast them. Feeling useful and contributing to society are important stages.I think it shows stage because I feel that deep down Caroline knew she was doing the wrong thing. She knew marrying Dwight was the wrong thing and dating Rob before was also wrong, she knew that she was hurting Jack. That I think is the example of stagnation; her â€Å"failure† to find a way to ontribute, not so much to society but to herself and Jack. Also because Dwi ght would not let her work she never got the chance to go outside of the house and see what was happening in the real world. She was disconnected to society and therefore could not contribute anything.Near the end of the film we see her wanting to work for the government, the want to help society is there but Dwight is stopping her. Generativity refers to â€Å"making your mark† on the world, through caring for others, creating things and accomplishing things that make the world a better place. Caroline did not necessary make the world a better place but she made her sons future a better place. By running away from Dwight and realizing that Jack was right and finally taking a stance she saved not only herself but Jack from anything bad that could have occurred in the future.Daniel Levinson's theory of the seasons of life is explained as â€Å"a person's life structure is shaped mainly by their social and physical that is Jack kept hanging out in his social environment and no t thinking about the future he would end up no where but thankfully he came to realization. He applied to umerous schools and finally got accepted to one. Other developmental theories that I found interesting to this film is the Conflict Theory. Conflict theory is an interdisciplinary sociological and political theory that explains how power, not functional interdependence, holds a society together.It states that conflict exists between groups in society because of inequalities in power (Holloway et al 41). I think this theory applies to the film because in the household Dwight held all the power, whatever he says goes, his rules and no exceptions. It also states that if groups are in ompetition, then the needs of all will not be met equally. Since Dwight had the power of the house everyone else got yelled at if they stepped out of line. For example when Jack leaves the toothpaste cap open Dwight comes in and harasses him.I also think that there is conflict between Jack and himself. Jack is unable to carry out his plan to escape Alaska because there is a conflict between his desire for freedom from Dwight and his desire to belong. A part of him is scared of being alone and taking responsibility for himself. His inner conflict about trying to be someone hat he isn't is also present. He attempts to involve himself with a dangerous crowd in school, often getting in trouble, but when he applies for private boarding school he writes that he is am A student.You can see that he is eager to change and reinvent himself to be a good person. Daniel Levinson's theory of the seasons of life also can be compared to the movie. His theory has four major points; forming a dream and giving it a place in the life structure, forming mentor relationships, forming an occupation and forming love relationships, marriage and family. The dream is the ndividual's sense of self in the adult world and is the core of the life structure (Holloway et al 103-104).The dilemma is that until ind ividuals begin to live out the life structure, all of the possibilities are not known, yet without some commitment to the choice they have made, it is not possible to determine whether the life structure might be realistic or satisfying (Holloway et al 104). You can clearly see that Jack is faced with many problems that likely every person will have to face at some point in their face. Commitment to a school, commitment to yourself and commitment to your tudies all play a whole in shaping who you are.Jack could not commitment himself to school; he would slack and then would expect others to help him. The term serial monogamy is when a woman ‘marries several spouses, one after the other' (Holloway et al 506). This does apply to Caroline. She is with her first husband Duke, then has an on and off relationship with Rob, then after she moves she marries Dwight. After she gets away from Dwight and her and Jake go their separate ways she marries another man. I would like to conclude this response with my personal opinion on the film. I really enjoyed this film; it made me relate to my own childhood.Although I was not as unfortunate as the author, I was also raised in a single parent family and had to adjust to each of my parent's new partners. I also daydreamed a lot when I young as did Jack. I think the film successfully tells the story with real people in it and has real problems, which are very common in society. I thought Robert De Niro's performance is one of high points of the film, and he is extraordinary as the abusive father who seems pleasant and Jovial at time, but can turn violent when you hat he has acted in I think this one was his greatest.Ellen Barkin I thought looked absolutely stunning but I wish her character could have been developed a little more. I kept wondering, during the film why she felt like withstanding Dwights abuse for such a long period was okay or why she couldn't stand up. This is was based Offa true story it made me extremely sad to see that such people can abuse any human or animal. It's a story of the growing pains of youths and an individual's struggle to find identity and independence which at this stage in our life we can all relate too. This Boys Life The film we watched was called This Boys Life directed by Michael Caton- Jones and produced by the following men; Jon Peters, Art Linson and Fitch Cady. The movie takes place around 1957 where a son and mother flee the East and an abusive boyfriend to find a new life, and end up on Seattle, where the mother meets a polite garage mechanic. The boy continually gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd.The mo marries the mechanic, but they soon find out that he's an abusive and unreasoning alcoholic, and they struggle to maintain hope in an mpossible situation as the boy grows up with plans to escape the small town by any means possible. This movie was based Offa true story by Tobias Wolff that was written by Ed Sutton. The main characters in the movie are Jack, Caroline, and Dwight. Jack who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio is the main protagonist in the story. First his name was Tibias Wolff but then he changes it to Jack. He has a troubled childhood, which is plagued by dom estic abuse and misbehaviour.Despite his grim upbringing, he remains hopeful and is convinced that he is capable of a better life. Caroline whose nickname is Rosemary is played by Ellen Barkin. Carline is Jacks mother who struggles financially to support herself and her son, through she is neglectful at time you can tell that she has a special love for Jack. Rosemary was abused as a child and cannot bring herself to inflict violence or any sort of punishment on Jack, even though she has the habit of taking up with violent men who inflict the same abuse on both of them.Dwight is played by Robert De Niro is Jacks stepfather and is the main antagonist of the story. He is a cruel and violent man ho convinces Rosemary to marry him and move to Chinnok to live with him. Dwight is especially resentful of Jack and treats him with the utmost brutality. Dwight drinks to excess, steals Jacks and Rosemary's money, and often instigates physical altercations with Jack. One interesting part that I always wished I could do is being able to Just pack up and move. Not have any worries about the future and be like Caroline and have high hopes for the future, life would be great.There are three stages of Erik Erikson's eight stages of life that are recognizable in the film. There are; dentity versus confusion, intimacy versus isolation and generativity versus stagnation. Erik describes the first stage (identity versus confusion) as a dilemma during adolescence and early adulthood. Every individual is challenged to define who he or she is and who they will be in the future (Holloway et al 99). You can clearly see Jacks struggle during this stage in the film. He is constantly getting into trouble because of the group of friends he is hanging around.For example when they are in the bathroom smoking and they make fun of him he writes inappropriate words on the stale. Him and his so called friends also release the break from a car and let it roll down the hill until it crashes. An exam ple of this stage is when Jack is trying to figure out where he belongs and where he wants to go after high school. Jack hangs out with the wrong crowd but then starts to hang around another boy who seems to His grades are not good at all, has C's in every course, the battle to get into a post secondary school is hard.He was to look up to his dad and brother who went to a â€Å"top notch† high school. He has everyone saying that he won't get accepted anywhere because of his attitude and grades. Through it all he gets accepted and Dwight is immediately Jealous. Intimacy versus isolation is based on the ability to trust a person enough to reveal your personal thoughts and feelings to him or her, it is necessary to have a clear sense of who you are (Holloway et al 100). I think there are two examples in the film of this stage. First being Caroline and Dwight.Caroline has always been with another man and is used to having someone there but she was never really able to trust them or let her true self out because both men were abusive to her. When Dwight and her got married and had sexual intimacy later he efused to want to look at her face and actually held her head down on the bed so that she could not look up. She had no other choice but to accept how she was living because she was scared to be on her own. She also had no money and no where else to go so that factor was stopping her from running away.This is the opposite of what Erik Erikson is trying to portray. On the other hand, Jack and Caroline share an intimate relationship but on a parent to child level. They both are able to reveal their true feelings to each other and trust each other so greatly. At the end of the film Caroline finally has the courage to stand up to Dwight and escape. They both ‘pack their bags ‘ (not actually) and run off. I believe that you have to have a high level of trust if you are able to Just run away with someone and hope that whatever happens the outcome will be positive.The last stage called generativity versus stagnation. Erikson's theory suggests that this task follows the formation of identity and the development of intimate relationships. On the social clock, it requires fidelity and love. The tasks of early adulthood are to determine first who you want to be and what ou want to do so that you are true to yourself (Holloway et al 100). This age occurs during middle adulthood between the ages of about 40 to 65. People in this stage are focused on nurturing or creating things that will outlast them. Feeling useful and contributing to society are important stages.I think it shows stage because I feel that deep down Caroline knew she was doing the wrong thing. She knew marrying Dwight was the wrong thing and dating Rob before was also wrong, she knew that she was hurting Jack. That I think is the example of stagnation; her â€Å"failure† to find a way to ontribute, not so much to society but to herself and Jack. Also because Dwi ght would not let her work she never got the chance to go outside of the house and see what was happening in the real world. She was disconnected to society and therefore could not contribute anything.Near the end of the film we see her wanting to work for the government, the want to help society is there but Dwight is stopping her. Generativity refers to â€Å"making your mark† on the world, through caring for others, creating things and accomplishing things that make the world a better place. Caroline did not necessary make the world a better place but she made her sons future a better place. By running away from Dwight and realizing that Jack was right and finally taking a stance she saved not only herself but Jack from anything bad that could have occurred in the future.Daniel Levinson's theory of the seasons of life is explained as â€Å"a person's life structure is shaped mainly by their social and physical that is Jack kept hanging out in his social environment and no t thinking about the future he would end up no where but thankfully he came to realization. He applied to umerous schools and finally got accepted to one. Other developmental theories that I found interesting to this film is the Conflict Theory. Conflict theory is an interdisciplinary sociological and political theory that explains how power, not functional interdependence, holds a society together.It states that conflict exists between groups in society because of inequalities in power (Holloway et al 41). I think this theory applies to the film because in the household Dwight held all the power, whatever he says goes, his rules and no exceptions. It also states that if groups are in ompetition, then the needs of all will not be met equally. Since Dwight had the power of the house everyone else got yelled at if they stepped out of line. For example when Jack leaves the toothpaste cap open Dwight comes in and harasses him.I also think that there is conflict between Jack and himself. Jack is unable to carry out his plan to escape Alaska because there is a conflict between his desire for freedom from Dwight and his desire to belong. A part of him is scared of being alone and taking responsibility for himself. His inner conflict about trying to be someone hat he isn't is also present. He attempts to involve himself with a dangerous crowd in school, often getting in trouble, but when he applies for private boarding school he writes that he is am A student.You can see that he is eager to change and reinvent himself to be a good person. Daniel Levinson's theory of the seasons of life also can be compared to the movie. His theory has four major points; forming a dream and giving it a place in the life structure, forming mentor relationships, forming an occupation and forming love relationships, marriage and family. The dream is the ndividual's sense of self in the adult world and is the core of the life structure (Holloway et al 103-104).The dilemma is that until ind ividuals begin to live out the life structure, all of the possibilities are not known, yet without some commitment to the choice they have made, it is not possible to determine whether the life structure might be realistic or satisfying (Holloway et al 104). You can clearly see that Jack is faced with many problems that likely every person will have to face at some point in their face. Commitment to a school, commitment to yourself and commitment to your tudies all play a whole in shaping who you are.Jack could not commitment himself to school; he would slack and then would expect others to help him. The term serial monogamy is when a woman ‘marries several spouses, one after the other' (Holloway et al 506). This does apply to Caroline. She is with her first husband Duke, then has an on and off relationship with Rob, then after she moves she marries Dwight. After she gets away from Dwight and her and Jake go their separate ways she marries another man. I would like to conclude this response with my personal opinion on the film. I really enjoyed this film; it made me relate to my own childhood.Although I was not as unfortunate as the author, I was also raised in a single parent family and had to adjust to each of my parent's new partners. I also daydreamed a lot when I young as did Jack. I think the film successfully tells the story with real people in it and has real problems, which are very common in society. I thought Robert De Niro's performance is one of high points of the film, and he is extraordinary as the abusive father who seems pleasant and Jovial at time, but can turn violent when you hat he has acted in I think this one was his greatest.Ellen Barkin I thought looked absolutely stunning but I wish her character could have been developed a little more. I kept wondering, during the film why she felt like withstanding Dwights abuse for such a long period was okay or why she couldn't stand up. This is was based Offa true story it made me extremely sad to see that such people can abuse any human or animal. It's a story of the growing pains of youths and an individual's struggle to find identity and independence which at this stage in our life we can all relate too.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Healthcare Industry Grid

Healthcare Industry Overview Grid University of Phoenix Susie Hughes HCS 235 August 1, 2011 Ms. Frutchey Healthcare Industry Overview Grid Complete the Health Care Industry Overview Grid that is located below. There are many areas within the health care that are options for career placement or advancement. Research different fields within the industry, such as pharmaceutical/drug, health information systems, and long-term care/gerontology, and fill in each box to contain information regarding the health care industry. There is an example that is already started to help with the process, but ensure you include adequate information to support your findings. Use a minimum of three references to support your information. This assignment is due in Week Three. Industry| Career Explanation| Industry Examples| Role of Health Care Personnel| Manufacturing (Equipment/Supplies)| Offers a wide selection of medical equipment and supplies, from home-health products to examination room products to fit the every individual’s health care needs. Professionals, organizations, and associations may find quality and affordable medical equipment and supplies for clinics, hospitals, nursing facilities and home health environments. | Surgical/medical instrumentsOrthopedic, prostheticsAppliance/suppliesDental equipmentx-ray apparatusrelated irradiation equipmenthospital beds stethoscopesBlood pressure cuffsWound care supplies| Biomedical Equipment Technician- Maintains adjusts, calibrate and repair a wide variety of electronic electromechanical and hydraulic equipment used in hospitals and other medical environments. Medical Supply Representative- Engages in selling and marketing of healthcare products, supplies and equipment. Medical Equipment Delivery Driver- A individual that picks up and delivers medical supplies and equipment. (www. bls. gov)| Pharmaceutical/Drug | Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing industry develops and produces a variety of medicinal and other health-related products that save the lives of millions of people from various diseases and permits many people from suffering from illness to recover to lead productive lives (www. ls. gov). | Develops/produce, and markets medicine approved by the FDAAre allowed to deal with generic/brand named drugs and medical devicesAntibioticsTranquilizersOver-the-counter drugsVitaminsVaccinesSerumsMedicinal Chemicals| Chemist- Searches for new knowledge about chemicals and use it to improve the quality of life. Molecular Biologist- Work in government, hospitals, collegiate institutions and pharmaceutical companies, performing molecular t est to understand disease. Director of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations- Responsible for the FDA compliant manufacturing of clinical supplies and commercial product. Operations also include packing, shipping and receiving materials. (www. bls. gov)| Health Information Systems| Deals with resources, devices, and required methods to store, retrieve,s assemble patients' health information including medical history, symptoms, examination results, diagnostic tests, treatment methods, and all other healthcare provider services. Technicians organize and manage health information data by ensuring its quality, accuracy, accessibility, and security. (www. bls. gov)| EMR-electronic medical recordEHR- electronic health recordsMaster Patient IndexPatient SchedulingBilling/Claim Process(Chin, 2010)| Health Information Management System Technician- Handles databases, planning for information system, identifies existing/future information requirements and expands health policy. Medical Coder- Assigns codes to special medical procedures and services for billing private/public insurance companies. Registered Health Information Administrator-Responsible for the upkeep of patient’s records in a hospital or other health care facility. (Hill, 2010)| Long-Term Care/Gerontology| * Long-Term Care/Gerontology is an area of health care that deals with, and examines the aging population. | * Home Health care facilitiesNursing HomesAssisted Living CommunitiesRetirement HomesRehabilitationHospiceMental/Substance Abuse Facilities| Bio gerontologist- Studies the physical and biological affects of aging. Long-Term Care Nurse- Tend to the physical and emotional needs of the aging or chronically ill. | References Bureau of Labor Statstics. Occupational Handbook 2010-11 Edition. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. bls. gov Chin, D. (2010). Types of Health Information Sytem. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. comlist_6860442_types_health_information_systems. html Hill, J. (2010). Career in Health Information Systems. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/list_7221980_careers_health_information_systems. html

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Failure to Thrive Syndrome Effects on the Physical and Cognitive Essay

Failure to Thrive Syndrome Effects on the Physical and Cognitive Development of Children - Essay Example This research paper drew on current secondary data to establish the effects of FTT on the physical and cognitive development of children. Prior results were supported. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to the body of knowledge investigating the effects of FTT on children. Failure to thrive (FTT) in early childhood is associated with developmental delays and is conceded to be associated with under-nutrition. The term FTT was used to replace a description of a syndrome of delayed growth and development called the 'maternal deprivation syndrome' (Wright, 2000). FTT, also known as growth failure, is not an actual diagnosis in itself, rather a descriptive term to identify a child or adult who does not meet established standards of healthy growth. In general, the term FTT is used when growth appears to be low, or has decreased over a period of time (Bassali & Benjamin, 2006). Wright (2000) defines this low growth rate in terms of growth chart percentiles, a fall of two centile spaces indicating mild to moderate FTT, and of three centile spaces to indicate severe FTT. A recent definition of FTT includes low weight-for-age, low BMI, low conditional weight gain, and Waterlow's criterion for wasting (Olsen, Peterson, Skovgaard, Weil, Jorgenson, & Wright, 2006) . It is evident that a combination of measurements is required to ascertain nutritional growth delays, and current longitudinal research is investigating the strength of different criteria to differentiate FTT and its subsequent outcomes (Olsen et al., 2006). Due to current medical technology there appears to be an increase in the numbers of children surviving an extremely low birth weight (ELWB;The aim of this paper is to identify the long term physical and cognitive outcomes in children diagnosed as having failure to thrive (FTT). First, a general background of FTT will be outlined. Second, recent studies that have investigated cognitive and or physical affects of FTT with children shall be presented. Next a discussion will provide a synthesis of the findings and the implication for children who survive FTT. Finally, a conclusion shall make recommendations for future research.FTT can be conceptualized as a failure of a child to meet expected weight, height, developmental and well- being standards (Wright, 2000). Predominantly, the FTT child is relatively undernourished and does not show a temperament or constitutional pattern that would be considered as within the norm for a child of their age. Organic disease, abuse and neglect, deprivation (i.e., low socio-economic status), and under-nutrition are all possible causes of FTT.n series of USA reports dated between 1980-1989 attributed FTT to 1-5% of the hospital admissions of children less than a year old (Bassali & Benjamin, 2006). It was also estimated that about 10% of children receiving primary care exhibited signs and symptoms of FTT. Although, internationally, developing nations tend to have much more common rates of malnutrition as compare to the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Atomic bonb Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Atomic bonb - Essay Example They placed the onus on the prevention of apocalypse on mankind. This was then seen as a reclamation of agency on the part of a beleaguered species which felt that it was doomed as a result of the inexorable progress of science and technology. The world wars made it clear to man that science was something that could be used for causing unimaginable misery on mankind. The atomic bombs that were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki proved to even those who were not directly affected by the destruction the power of such bombs. There was thus, a fear of atomic power as something that could trigger off apocalypse or the end of mankind as a species. This fear was then expressed through movies such as The Day the Earth Caught Fire and The Day the Earth Stood Still. These movies were made in the wake of the world wars and the effect of these wars and the incredible human loss that they caused can be seen in them. The Day the Earth Caught Fire was a movie that was released in 1961 and it was dir ected by Val Guest. The movie narrated the story of a possible apocalypse and how the human race attempts to avert this crisis. The movie makes it very clear that the reason for the crisis to have happened in the first place was a series of nuclear explosions that were conducted by the Soviet Union and The United States of America. These explosions are then said to have an effect that is catastrophic and the future of the whole of mankind is then in jeopardy. This ability of science to affect the whole of mankind is something that arises out of mankind’s recognition of itself as a singular entity. This recognition came about in a major way as a result of the world wars where the world was united in war, with the whole of humanity fighting on one side or the other. Humanity then was seen as a whole. This however, also meant that nothing could be completely local ever again. The atomic bomb and its ability to wipe out the whole of humanity in a single strike was something that created a great deal of fear amongst the people of the world for whom even the unity of humanity and its future lay in the answer to certain questions. These questions centred on how to use science and the way in which it would progress. This was then seen in movies that were a part of the genre of science fiction. Science fiction could then be employed to articulate the fears of an entire generation of people who had no say in their own future where it would be decided by the ruling class of politicians. The dehumanizing ability of the bomb, where millions of people would be wiped out without leaving traces of individuals was also something that the people of this era was extremely fearful of. The movie’s depiction of individual human beings can then be seen to be a consolation of the desire on the part of the audience for individuality (Guest). Another aspect of the movie is its focus on the Cold War. Released in 1961, the movie talks of the nuclear explosions that were con ducted by the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The tussle between these major powers led to countries becoming a part of one power bloc or the other. However, it also led to fear among mankind as to what the ultimate outcome of such rivalry would be. It is significant that the arms race that took place between these two powers is referred to in this movie. It is thus, again the fear of science and the pace of its progress that leads to fear amongst the masses. It is this fear that movies of the

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Great Depression - Essay Example The great depression started in the industrialized North America when the stock market exchange on Oct.29, 1929, commonly known to be â€Å"The Black Tuesday† (Nick Taylor-American Made). As at this time, the output fell by 23% losing more than ten billion US dollars. The market decline was due to disparity between the consumption and production sectors. The production power was due, but the consumption rate was wanting. The producers had to credit their products resulting to lack of finance to these companies hence a subsequent drop in the wages and loss of jobs for the employees (Stock, 1997:177). Many banks realized great loses some of which even saw their closure because most of them had heavily invested in market shares. The problem was major in America but it spread to other countries leading to an economic slump due to forged intimate relation that came in between the United States and the European countries to terminate the First World War. Since United States had emer ged as the super power of the First World War, its economic back thrash had effects across the globe. The depression persisted up to 1932 when the then president of USA Herbert Hoover realized that he had a hand to lend to terminate the depression. In his speech president, Hoover underrated the crisis and said that it would ultimately end. He did not realize that he had to supply food to the hunger stricken population in North America. People raised blame over him for the big economic crisis (Young and Young, 2007:55). Hoover was turned down and an election was called where Franklin Delano Roosevelt won by a large margin. After taking over as the president of United States Rosevelt declared a four-day bank holiday meant relief to relief the banks and make them solvent. During the first one hundred days of his reign Roosevelt set good basis too revive the country from depths of desperation. The great depression had adverse effects to the economy as well as the people of United States . The production level dropped greatly as well as the gross domestic product after the recession started. The lack of market for manufactured goods was the main reason for the decline of the production in the United States (Oakes and Kia, 2004:137). The consumers had lost their purchasing power, which was probably due to the effect of the First World War. Most industries had to give their products on credit leaving them with financial crisis. This led to their immediate closure. The collapse of food prices and lack international market for export made farmers lose morale and quit farming. Credit system in bank declined hence most of the depositors had no option but to withdraw their money from the banks. The experience for the Americans worsened in the 1930s when the agriculture sector leveraged due to the decline in the world market for food prices. The depression also led to lack of jobs in the states. Many people had to move from placer to another hoping against hopes to secure j ob in the towns. The teenagers comprised the large proportion for the job seeking population. This desperate large population had constructed their houses in shantytown in the outskirts of towns, which they made from any available material. The desperate farmers migrated to California in hope to find fertile grounds. Their condition was seriously transient. When he came to power, Franklin Roosevelt instilled hope to the States residents .He started the so-called

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Presentation - Essay Example This, as a result, set path for new ideas about seeking to learn a more universally acceptable language, and my passion for learning English was born. It is widely known that English is the most spoken language in the world today, with a large number of countries worldwide using it as their official language. It is also one of the most used media of communication especially in books, music and films to date. These are some of the notable reasons that made it very easy for me to settle with English as my choice of language that I had to learn. The journey to learn English, just like any other new thing, was not easy. For one, this was a time-consuming and equally challenging task especially considering the vast differences in the structure and elements between my native Arabic language and those in English. The virtual lack of a clear correlation between the two meant that I had to place more effort so that I could excel in understanding the new language. I am glad that today I can stand and address people in English, which could only sound like a fantasy to me sometimes back. Today, I want particularly to revisit one of the most interesting and indeed important part of my English learning journey; my first English presentation in school. As a brief description of my background, I joined an English language learning school in the USA where I believed would provide the best environment for learning the language. It is said that if one is to learn a language quickly, then surrounding yourself with the language is the single most efficient method of learning i.e. spending time with people speaking the language, listening to music and watching movies written in the language among others. USA perfectly provided all of these characteristics. The course outline in the language class consisted of presentations sessions where students were put to task in an attempt to

Saturday, October 5, 2019

International Business & Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business & Strategy - Essay Example Robert Walters as per the comparative analysis in the appendix India is the best target market alternative due to the prevailing macroeconomic environment in the nation. For a company that focuses on the recruitment of human resources for organizations, India is an important frontier due to the political, economic, social, technological, technological, legal and competitive factors that an investor is likely to derive from the nation. The external environment also affects Robert Walters and there is need to analyse the organization’s relationship with the environment as well as its business strategy. This can be analysed through the PESTLE analysis, which looks at the political, economic, social, technology, legal and environmental factors and how they affect the enterprise (Dransfield 2001, p.20). As a company that operates in an international market where there are several competitors, it is important to understand the macroeconomic environment that one intends to operate in and this determines the policies that the company decides to adopt in order to remain successful and profitable in a foreign market. Therefore, any company that intends to operate and maintain a competitive advantage over the others must consider the macroeconomic factors that prevail in that particular market. The political factors include the stability of the government, the taxation policies, foreign trade regulation as well as the social welfare policies, which greatly affects the operations of the business enterprise (Partridge 1999, p.76). Under the political factors, India is often referred to as the largest democracy in the world only followed by the United States and this has a profound effect on the success of any business that may be started or carried out in the nation. The political situation in India underscores the fact that all businesses within a nation must always operate within the confines of the political

Friday, October 4, 2019

Definition of Terms Essay Example for Free

Definition of Terms Essay AMR- Ambulatory Medical Record- An ambulatory medical record (AMR) is an electronically stored file of a patient’s outpatient medical records, which includes all surgeries and care that do not involve being admitted to a hospital. The importance of AMR’s is that they only apply to outpatient medical records. Outpatients procedures or services are performed so frequently that at times it can be tedious to keep track of them. These records allow a physician to review a patient’s COMPLETE medical history. CMR- Computerized Medical Record- Computerized medical records are the digital counterparts to patient medical records kept in paper files and folders in health care offices. The importance of CMR’s is they allow for less paper storage or use. A patient’s medical records can be an extensive file. The longer the file gets the harder it is to keep up with it. Keeping a computerized copy of what is on paper in a patient’s medical record is more than convenient, it is a more efficient method of documentation. CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid- The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS), previously known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and health insurance portability standards. CMS is an important entity to US healthcare, without it, the medical coverage for  children whose parents do not have the luxury of commercial coverage and the elderly who have reached the age of retirement would not have health benefits. Medicare and Medicaid do not only supply benefits to children and the elderly but there are those citizens who are considered disable in some way, shape, fashion or form. CMS-1500 A universal claims billing form used by physicians and other healthcare practitioners to bill payers for professional services. The CMS 1500 form assists physicians especially in receiving reimbursement for the services provided. The development of a form for physicians eliminates confusion for insurance companies when processing claims. The companies need not worry about whether the charges were submitted by a physician or facility, which makes for easier and more efficient processing. CPT Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a code set that is used to report medical procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations. CPT is used in conjunction with ICD-8-CM or ICD-10-CM numerical diagnostic coding during the electronic medical billing process. From a billing standpoint, a world without CPT codes is almost like a world without people. The genius idea to use a universal language of numbers to determine services an individual had performed alleviates chaos. CPT codes also give a shorter description of the services rendered. Some procedures are so extensive, all the information appearing on a claims form can cause confusion. By giving these procedures a 5 digit number which can be researched for a description creates efficiency. DRG Diagnosis Related Group any of the payment categories that are used to classify patients, especially Medicare patients, for the purpose of reimbursing hospitals for each case in a given category with a fixed fee regardless of the actual costs incurred DRG’s prohibit a facility from receiving an outrageous reimbursement for specific provided services. The categorization of patient cases into specific groups which allows for a set cost or billed amount places a cap on reimbursement to that facility for that case/patient. EPR Electronic Patient (Health) Record (EHR) -an evolving concept defined as a systematic collection of electronic health information about individual  patients or populations. Monitoring a patients’ health information in an electronic manner is a win/win for all involved. It allows the patient faster access to their records and the physician or hospital a faster method for reviewing or receiving those same records. The EPR has evolved into the EHR. The development of tracking patient health information in an electronic monitor has produced a more effective, accurate method for organizing something as lengthy as a person’s health history. HL7 Health Level Seven (HL7) a non-profit organization involved in the development of international healthcare informatics interoperability standards. HL7 and its members provide a framework (and related standards) for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. The 2.x versions of the standards, which support clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services, are the most commonly used in the world. The development of this organization is the foundation for the ability to transfer and track health information safely and without violation of a person’s personal information. Without HL7, the above mentioned term (EPR) would not exist. This organization’s importance is beyond measure in terms of convenience involved in the healthcare field. The standards set forth are a necessity in order for health information to be exchanged or shared, they provide peace of mind to the patients and physicians. ICD-9 International Classification of Disease, 9th edition A standardized classification of disease, injuries, and causes of death, by etiology and anatomic localization and codified into a 5-digit number, which allows clinicians, statisticians, politicians, health planners and others to speak a common language, both US and internationally. A 3 to 5-digit number code describing a diagnosis or medical procedure. The International Classification of Disease 9th edition is as important to billing as CPT codes. The universal language for identifying a patients diagnosis assists not only for purposes in billing but for physician and hospital communication with insurance companies. Physicians attend school to learn and become familiar with the formal name for specific diseases, injuries and other medical conditions. On the other hand, insurance companies may not be as familiar or educated as to  the formal names for these medical conditions, which is where ICD-9’s come into play. They allow for easier and more understanding within the communication aspect of physician to insurance or facility to insurance company. UB-92 Uniform/Universal Billing form 92 Managed care The official HCFA/CMS form used by hospitals and health care centers when submitting bills to Medicare and 3rd-party payors for reimbursement for health services provided to Pts covered. UB-92 billing forms have since been replaced with UB-04 billing forms. Needless to say, a universal billing form creates an efficient, more precise method of billing for hospitals. Once again it eliminates the time that would be consumed by insurance companies attempting to determine if a claim is for a facility or physician. Eliminating this step assists in jump starting the processing of reimbursement to a facility for rendered services.